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HomePOLITICSSenator Omtatah Issues Ultimatum to EPRA Over Fuel Prices

Senator Omtatah Issues Ultimatum to EPRA Over Fuel Prices

Senator Omtatah Issues Ultimatum to EPRA Over Fuel Prices

Saturday, July 1st, Senator Okiya Omtatah of Busia issued the Energy Regulatory Authority of Kenya (EPRA). With an ultimatum to reduce fuel prices or face legal action.

The lawmaker confirmed to GossipA2Z that he had reached out to EPRA Managing Director Daniel Kiptoo Bargoria. After the regulator increased the price of a liter of super petrol, diesel, and kerosene.

Senator Busia disclosed that he had instructed EPRA to restore fuel prices to their June 14 review levels. Before the increase, the price of super petrol was Ksh182.40, diesel was Ksh167.28, and kerosene was Ksh161.48.

The freshman senator insisted that he will file a lawsuit against the energy regulator. If he does not receive a response to his phone call.

“I spoke with the physician, and I hope he will act. We concentrated on the court orders that suspended the Finance Act, and they issued an injunction against all of its provisions.

“I have informed him that I will file a contempt of court action against them if they do not comply. “I will bring them to court for disobeying court orders,” Omtatah declared.

The lawmaker argued that he had informed EPRA of the two orders prohibiting the implementation of the Finance Act. The activist argued that implementing any portion of it would constitute court contempt.

ALSO READ: Finance Act 2023 Temporarily Suspended by High Court

After President William Ruto signed the Finance Bill 2023 into law, EPRA increased the price of gasoline to Ksh195. In the Act, the government increased the value-added tax on fuel products from 8% to 16%.

“Effective July 1, 2023, the Value-Added Tax (VAT) on Super Petrol, Diesel, and Kerosene has increased from 8% to 16% under the Finance Act of 2023.

In light of this, the Energy Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has recalculated the maximum pump prices that will be in effect from July 1 to July 14, 2023, taking into account the 16% VAT rate.

Azimio, led by Raila Odinga, proposed amendments to this section but was unable to defend them in parliament due to the dominance of Kenya Kwanza.

The opposition warned that doubling the value-added tax on fuel to 16 percent will affect the cost of living in the nation.

Kenya Kwanza defended the increase by stating that it will help the government raise funds for road construction and maintenance.

This eight percent increase will yield approximately fifty billion Kenyan shillings, allowing us to begin addressing the problem of roads in our country. To strike a balance, I have eliminated the 3,5% road development levy, the 2% IDF, and the 8% VAT on gas,” stated President Ruto.

Senator Omtatah Issues Ultimatum to EPRA Over Fuel Prices