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HomeNewsRuto's USA Trip: How Kenyans Will Benefit

Ruto’s USA Trip: How Kenyans Will Benefit

Ruto’s USA Trip: How Kenyans Will Benefit

President William Ruto and his American counterpart Joe Biden oversaw the signing of several lucrative agreements on Thursday, positioning the Kenyan Head of State to return home with a wealth of benefits. 

These agreements span various sectors such as Trade and Investment, Education, Security, Technology Cooperation, as well as Health and Governance.

Throughout the negotiation process, both governments emphasized that these agreements reinforce the enduring bilateral relationship between Kenya and the United States, which has flourished over six decades

Gossipa2z.com outlines a roster of agreements poised to positively impact Kenyans across diverse domains.

Health Partnership

According to a statement released by the White House, Kenya and the US have finalized a Ksh900 billion deal aimed at advancing the fight against HIV/AIDS.

 This includes developing a sustainability roadmap to integrate HIV service delivery into primary healthcare, building on years of collaborative efforts that have significantly improved health outcomes for millions globally.

The roadmap seeks to ensure that over one million Kenyans receiving antiretroviral therapy continue to do so while extending HIV prevention programs to millions more.


 Additionally, a Ksh 528 million agreement was reached between the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Kenya’s Ministry of Health to enhance information sharing and support the establishment of the Kenyan National Public Health Institute.

To bolster health security, Kenya and the United States plan to launch a tailored Public Health Emergency Management training program, enhancing preparedness across all 47 Kenyan counties. 

This initiative is especially crucial given Africa’s significant burden of malaria, with the US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) expanding procurement from Kenyan manufacturers to support the Government of Kenya’s localization goals.


The Biden administration has committed Ksh 435 million to facilitate 60 Kenyan learners’ enrollment in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses for a semester in the United States. 

This underscores the Administration’s emphasis on fostering educational exchanges and capacity building in critical fields.

Furthermore, a Ksh 66 million agreement was sealed under Partnership 2024 to nurture the development of Kenyan students, scientists, researchers, and engineers. 

Additionally, a consortium of US universities has agreed to establish EDTECH Africa, a technological bridge aimed at facilitating educational collaborations between Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and African scholars.

Ruto’s USA Trip: How Kenyans Will Benefit