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HomeNewsRuto Fires Mudavadi's Party Chair From Govt Job

Ruto Fires Mudavadi’s Party Chair From Govt Job

Ruto Fires Mudavadi’s Party Chair From Govt Job

President William Ruto has revoked the appointment of Amani National Congress (ANC) chairperson Kelvin Lunani as the chair of the Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board.

In a Gazette Notice on Friday, the president revoked his appointment on September 27, 2023.

In his place, Ruto appointed Sande Ayolo to serve for three years.

Lunani was appointed as the chairperson of the board on May 19, 2023, and has since served for four months. He was to serve for three years.

From left to right: President William Ruto, ANC chair Kelvin Lunani and Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi.

Kenya Yearbook Editorial Board was established in 2007 as a state corporation under the ICT Ministry.


The board is mandated to enhance government communications and produce publications that highlight the development across all sectors. The board also promotes awareness of different government initiatives.

The appointment comes as part of the changes Ruto made in various agencies. He appointed five members to the NEPAD/African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Kenya Governing Council to serve for three years.

They include Francis Habara Moroto, Jane Wanjiku Macharia, Habon Billow Farah, Joseph Kimutai Boit, and Eusiana Makasi Mitau.

He also appointed Adiel Nyange as the Chairperson of the Private Security Regulatory Authority and subsequently fired Professor Stephen Ng’ang’a.

Additionally, he revoked the appointment of former KTN presenter Kathleen Openda as chair of the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC). In her place, he hired former police spokesperson Charles Owino.

Ruto Fires Mudavadi’s Party Chair From Govt Job