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HomeNewsRift Valley Leaders Advocate for Controversial Finance Bill 2024 Amid Public Opposition

Rift Valley Leaders Advocate for Controversial Finance Bill 2024 Amid Public Opposition

Rift Valley Leaders Advocate for Controversial Finance Bill 2024 Amid Public Opposition

A group of leaders from the Rift Valley, spearheaded by Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei, has rallied in favor of the Finance Bill 2024.

Acknowledging the current economic hardships faced by Kenyans, the leaders emphasized that the Finance Bill 2024 is a crucial government initiative aimed at boosting revenue.

Aldai Constituency MP, Maryanne Keitany, assured that the contentious bill will pass through Parliament, with their support guaranteed.

“We are aware of the economic struggles. Despite this, when the budget reaches the National Assembly, we will endorse it and continue backing the president,” stated Keitany.

Mosop MP, Abraham Kirwa, acknowledged the significant budget and explained President William Ruto’s necessity to broaden the tax base for his Bottom Up Economic Transformation Agenda.

“I was present in Parliament during the budget reading. Ksh 3.9 trillion is a substantial amount that we plan to spend. To generate these funds, passing the Finance Bill is essential to propel the nation forward,” Kirwa elaborated.


During a thanksgiving service at the Africa Inland Church Kenya in Nandi, Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei urged the government to efficiently utilize the collected taxes to prevent public dissent.

“Once passed, the government must ensure that the taxes collected through the Finance Bill are safeguarded from corruption,” Koskei asserted.

Leaders from President Ruto’s home region have been actively promoting the Finance Bill 2024, which many Kenyans have vowed to oppose in large numbers.

Some netizens have launched a vigorous campaign against the bill, planning to occupy parliament on Tuesday, June 18 to urge their MPs to reject it.

The campaign involves netizens anonymously sending messages to MPs, urging them to vote against the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

The bill, proposed by President Ruto, includes tax measures intended to decrease the government’s dependence on debt and donor aid.

Rift Valley Leaders Advocate for Controversial Finance Bill 2024 Amid Public Opposition