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Resolve Internal Conflicts and Prioritize Service to Siaya: Oburu Urges Orengo and Deputy

Resolve Internal Conflicts and Prioritize Service to Siaya: Oburu Urges Orengo and Deputy

Oburu Oginga, a senator from Siaya, has fired a warning shot at Governor James Orengo and his deputy William Oduol, urging them to resolve their differences and provide services to the populace.

Dr. Oginga, accompanied by Siaya Woman Representative Christine Ombaka and speaking for the first time on the subject in Parliament, warned that the constant squabbles between the two leaders are impeding effective delivery.

The senator instructed the lieutenant governor to stop holding the county hostage and resign if he cannot work with the governor.

“We are concerned about the turn of events in Siaya County because when the governor and his deputy fight, the people are the ones who suffer,” Dr. Oginga stated.

Dr. Oginga emphasized that meaningful development cannot occur if the two county’s highest-ranking officials are not united.

People have been wondering why I’ve remained silent on this issue, but I want them to know that I’m very concerned about what’s happening. Dr. Oginga stated that the vice president must realize that, according to the law, he is the governor’s principal assistant and, as such, should be assisting the governor.

ALSO READ: Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol Unveils Startling Discovery of ‘Unprecedented’ Cash Withdrawals within Governor Orengo’s Office

He lamented that the situation had to escalate to the level of impeachment rather than being resolved amicably through internal mechanisms.

“I called Mr. Oduol and met with him in Nairobi to tell him to stop calling the governor a thief and a corrupt individual, but he continued. Dr. Oginga stated that the process in the county assembly should continue.

Oginga stated, “If he feels that he cannot work with the governor, he should resign because he is a professional and can do other things.”

Dr. Ombaka, on the other hand, lamented that the ongoing public conflict between the two leaders, which has cast a negative light on the entire county, has embarrassed them.

“As leaders of the Siaya, we are embarrassed because we are fighting for no reason. Dr. Ombaka stated, “I want to tell the vice governor to respect the governor because he is his boss with whom they campaigned and vowed to work together.”

Since the allegations made by the deputy governor can only be proven in a court of law, she stated that they cannot take sides and declare who is right or wrong at this time.

Dr. Ombaka stated, “We want to work with the deputy governor, but he has already poisoned the ground to the point where we do not know if he will work with us if he returns.”

Analysts questioned Mr. Orengo’s deafening silence in the ongoing feud with his deputy.

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Mr. Orengo last appeared to discuss the issue two weeks ago in Nyadorera, Alego Usonga, where he addressed a gathering alongside Mr. Raila Odinga, leader of the opposition.

During the meeting, he stated, “I have fought tougher battles in my life, including those that brought down powerful political figures in history, so whatever is happening will only make me stronger as I focus on delivering for the people of Siaya.” In a recent interview with one of the radio stations, Mr. Oduol stated that Mr. Orengo can stop all of these by sitting down and listening to him.

The county administrator, however, has chosen to address the issue through his chief of staff, Mr. Cyrus Oguna, who a few days ago demanded that the Ethics and Anti-corruption court expedite investigations into corruption allegations made against Siaya County.

Mr. Gideon Ochanda, Member of Parliament for Bondo, stated that only Mr. Orengo was able to stop what he termed “unnecessary tension in the county.”

“The two top county leaders are to blame, but Mr. Orengo has the authority to end the impeachment and infighting that is destroying Siaya. If I were the governor, I would sit down with Mr. Oduol, listen to the concerns he raises, and address them, said Mr. Ochanda.

ALSO READ: Resounding Alarm: Senators Raise Concerns About Impending Ouster of Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol

According to Mr. Obora Okoth, a political analyst, the ‘noise’ in Mr. Orengo’s and Mr. Odinga’s home counties was not conducive to their political success.

Mr. Okoth stated that the Governor, the ODM Party, and the Deputy Governor must resolve this issue locally to avoid embarrassment at the national level.

Resolve Internal Conflicts and Prioritize Service to Siaya: Oburu Urges Orengo and Deputy