Raila’s AU Bid: What’s Next?

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Raila’s AU Bid: What’s Next?

Former Prime Minister of Kenya, Raila Odinga, has officially announced his candidacy for the position of Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC).

The official submission was made by Korir Sing’oei, Principal Secretary of the State Department for Foreign Affairs, alongside several members from Raila’s team, in Addis Ababa on Monday.

This move clarifies the Kenyan government’s support for Raila’s bid after weeks of speculation fueled by anti-government protests.

The African Union Commission has set August 6 as the deadline for candidates to submit their nominations for the role of Moussa Faki’s successor.

With the submission completed, Raila still has several steps to fulfill his goal of becoming the AU Commission Chair.

To ensure a merit-based selection process, the African Union has established a panel of eminent individuals to vet candidates and create a shortlist.

This stage is now pending for all candidates who have applied for the AUC chairmanship.

A Panel of Eminent Africans, consisting of one representative from each region, was appointed in February 2024 to oversee the initial selection process for the eight available positions.


Following this, candidates for the AUC chairmanship will participate in a televised debate called Mjadala Afrika. This debate, broadcast live, will allow candidates to present their visions and strategies for implementing Agenda 2063.

Further information on the debate’s venue and dates will be announced later.

The election will then proceed via secret ballot.

The Assembly of Heads of State and Government will elect the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, while the Ministerial Executive Council will elect the Commissioners, who will then be appointed by the Assembly.

These elections are scheduled to take place in February 2025 during the African Union Summit.

All eight senior leadership positions within the AU Commission are open for applications, following the regional allocation of portfolios.

The roles available include the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, and six Commissioner posts.

The February 2025 elections will adhere to the principle of inter-regional rotation.

Raila’s AU Bid: What’s Next?