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Raila Speaks Out: Addressing His Absence from Protests

Raila Speaks Out: Addressing His Absence from Protests

Azimio la Umoja Raila Odinga, the leader of a coalition party in Kenya who has caused concern by not attending the ongoing anti-government demonstrations, now claims to be recuperating from the flu.

Odinga, who did not disclose his current location, stated that he was mildly ill, putting to rest the question of why he has been absent since the three-day demonstrations began on Wednesday.

“Niko na homa mbaya sana ambayo ilinipiga na ikanilaza chini. Nimepata matibabu kutoka kwa daktari na sasa ninazidi kupata afueni na nitakuwa sawa,” Odinga told NTV.

The leader of Azimio refuted rumors that some coalition leaders were hiding by stating that his team is focused and is directing the demonstrations from various parts of the country.

Odinga explained that his co-principals, including Narc Kenya Party leader Martha Karua and Wiper’s Kalonzo Musyoka, were not conducting the demonstrations as they have in the past, because the demonstrations were for all Kenyans, and their presence was not required.

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“Niko katika maandamano na tunashirikiana pamoja na wenzangu lakini maandamano si ya Baba, Martha au Kalonzo; ni ya Wakenya wote,” he stated.

“Team yote ya Azimio iko sawa na wanaongoza maandamano kutoka maeneo tofauti tofauti. Si lazima waonekane wote kwa barabara.”

Odinga simultaneously criticized President William Ruto and his Kenya Kwanza team, accusing them of bias in their statements and repeated calls for peace as he pledged to continue the protests.

According to Odinga, the President has not personally contacted him to discuss the next steps, and he (Odinga) has not demanded a ‘handshake’, as Kenya Kwanza leaders have repeatedly claimed.

“Rais hajanipigia simu na hatujaongea naye. Sisi hatujauliza na hatutauliza mambo ya handshake, hiyo ni porojo yao…hatutaki nusu mkate yao ambayo imeoza,” Odinga said.

“Ruto ni mnafiki…leo anasema hili, kesho anasema lingine. Leo ilikuwa nusu fainali, kesho ndio fainali.”

With the hashtag #OdingaOutOfTheShadows, Kenyans have taken to social media to express their desire for the Azimio chief to return to the spotlight.

Raila Speaks Out: Addressing His Absence from Protests