Raila Odinga Urges President Ruto: Heed Kenyans’ Voices or Brace for Unprecedented Battle

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Raila Odinga Urges President Ruto: Heed Kenyans’ Voices or Brace for Unprecedented Battle

Raila Odinga, the leader of the coalition party Azimio la Umoja One Kenya, has criticized the Kenya Kwanza government led by President William Ruto for allegedly ignoring concerns raised by Kenyans regarding some of the administration’s policies.

Mr. Odinga stated newsrooms on Saturday, urging the government to start paying attention to the country’s citizens or risk an unprecedented uprising in Kenya.

“Kenya Kwanza has two options: face and listen to Kenyans, or ignore them and face an unprecedented battle with Kenyans in this country,” he stated.

According to the leader of the opposition, the issues his party has raised and fought for have more to do with protecting Kenyans than with benefiting himself.

Mr. Odinga, citing his demand for reforms at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), stated that the current composition of the electoral body could lead to anarchy in the country shortly.

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“A dysfunctional and distrusted Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission poses no personal threat to Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Martha Karua, Jeremiah Kioni, Mwangi wa Iria, or any other Azimio leader,” he explained.

“Instead, it poses a clear and present threat to the current and future stability of our nation and the development of democracy in Kenya.” A situation in which all IEBC commissioners and, by extension, members of any board are required to agree with whatever the Chairman says or does pose a grave threat to the integrity of future elections, and anyone could be a victim.”

In light of what happened to the four dissenting commissioners, he added, “Yet, this possibility remains.” In leading calls for a transparent and inclusive reform of the 1EBC, I am acting in the best interest of future generations and the nation.

The former prime minister accused the administration of President Ruto of alleged tribalism in its hiring practices, arguing that his opposition to this aims to level the playing field for other equally or more qualified Kenyans who are allegedly passed over for employment due to their surnames.

He went on to express his concerns about the proposed 3 percent housing fund levy, which he said the majority of citizens will be unable to afford because their pay stubs already contain too many tax deductions.

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“Like my counterparts in Kenya Kwanza, I can afford expensive items such as unga, fuel, electricity, paraffin, and sugar. However, I am aware that millions of Kenyans cannot. I am also aware that the combination of high prices, poverty, and a careless government is a toxic mixture waiting to explode. Mr. Odinga stated, “By speaking out, I am attempting to prevent the worst for Kenya.”

“Kenya Kwanza has inflicted suffering upon suffering Kenyans with its illegitimate majority in Parliament, which it obtained through bribery of MPs.” It is impossible to predict Kenya Kwanza’s actions if it succeeds in transforming Kenya into a one-party state. Raila Odinga is not fighting for himself when he argues for the respect of the parties.

The opposition leader further criticized the Kenya Kwanza administration for stifling innovation and limiting the youth’s ability to earn a living by proposing a tax on the monetization of digital content.

He also rejected the proposal to increase the tax on beauty products, arguing that it would harm the industry, which provides millions of young people with a living.

Raila Odinga Urges President Ruto: Heed Kenyans’ Voices or Brace for Unprecedented Battle