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HomePOLITICSRaila: If Talks Fail, Anti-Gov't Protests Set for September

Raila: If Talks Fail, Anti-Gov’t Protests Set for September

Raila: If Talks Fail, Anti-Gov’t Protests Set for September

The leader of the Umoja One Kenya coalition party, Raila Odinga, has announced that if the anticipated bipartisan discussions between the opposition and Kenya Kwanza do not yield results, he will instruct his followers to engage in street demonstrations next month to express their dissatisfaction with President William Ruto’s administration.

Addressing the crowd in Gem, Siaya County, last Saturday during his presence at the funeral of David Omondi Ofwaya, a demonstrator who lost his life in the protests that have currently been halted, Odinga emphasized that Azimio is willing to engage in discussions with Kenya Kwanza.

However, he emphasized that Azimio’s demands, which it aims to have Ruto’s administration tackle, must be fully met and not compromised.

Azimio has various desires, including a decrease in the expenses associated with daily life, an examination of the 2022 election process, a bipartisan restructuring of the IEBC (Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission), and involvement in national matters along with recognition of the importance of political parties.

“Nimesema sisi kama wana-Azimio, tuko tayari kuongea, tutaongea na tunapatia wale jamaa siku thelathini kuongea. Baada ya siku thelathini kama jamaa bado amekaa ngumu ntatoa amri ingine. Lakini tumepea tume ambayo inaongezwa na Kalonzo Musyoka nafasi ya kuongea na wale kutoka ile ng’ambo ingine,” he said.

“Tunanongea bila masharti; wao vile vile wasitoe masharti kwetu. Lakini wasipokuwa tayari kuongea na kukubaliana na sisi vile tunataka tunasema baada ya siku 30 Wakenya watachukua hatua tofauti.”

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Odinga’s comment arrives a day after Kenya Kwanza asked Azimio to change the scheduled bipartisan discussions from Monday to Thursday of the upcoming week.

Kimani Ichung’wah, the head of the ruling coalition’s team, wrote a letter to Kalonzo Musyoka, his counterpart in the Azimio coalition, on Friday.

In the letter, he stated that the opposition’s suggested date of August 7th doesn’t fit well with the schedule of Kenya Kwanza, which has just formed its delegation of five members.

As per the Majority Leader of the National Assembly, Kenya Kwanza had already planned a team meeting for the same day, which happened to coincide with the preparations for the talks.

“I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 3rd August 2023, contents of which we duly note. However, we seek the indulgence of your team on the invitation to a meeting on Monday 7th August 2023,” stated Ichung’wah.

“While appreciating the urgency to embark on the talks, it is worth noting that having just constituted our team, we had a scheduled debrief on Monday with our team in order to prepare for the talks and a further engagement with the Bi-Partisan team and their assisting counsels on Tuesday 8th August 2023. We, therefore, seek your kind indulgence and propose that we schedule a joint first meeting on Thursday 10th August 2023 at 10 am.”

Raila: If Talks Fail, Anti-Gov’t Protests Set for September