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HomeNewsRachel Ruto: Ugandans Don't Use Fertiliser, Their Land Is Fertile Because Of...

Rachel Ruto: Ugandans Don’t Use Fertiliser, Their Land Is Fertile Because Of East African Revival Prayers

Rachel Ruto: Ugandans Don’t Use Fertiliser, Their Land Is Fertile Because Of East African Revival Prayers

First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto has claimed that Ugandans no longer plant their crops with fertilizer because the country is not only fertile but also receives enough rainfall throughout the year.

Speaking during a thanksgiving service at KICC on Monday, Mama Rachel further claimed Uganda has been blessed because of the East African revival that swept the country in the 1930s, where ‘God blessed them with fertile land and rains.’

It’s these prayers, according to the First Lady, that saw Ugandans start planting their crops without fertilizer.


“In Kenya we see our President talk about fertilizers for our farmers. In Uganda, they don’t use fertilizers. Their land is very fertile and there is enough rain. I came to discover one thing; it is the East African Revival that swept Uganda and some parts of East Africa,” Mama Rachel said.

She narrated how in 2022 she visited Uganda and found the country very green, while Kenya was dry and people were suffering.

The First Lady said she went down on her knees and prayed for rain.

She urged attendees of the Thanksgiving service to embrace prayer and always thank God for everything.

Further, Rachel wished that, just like Americans have a Thanksgiving holiday, Kenya will one day have such a holiday to pray and give thanks.

Rachel Ruto: Ugandans Don’t Use Fertiliser, Their Land Is Fertile Because Of East African Revival Prayers