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HomeNewsRachel Ruto Discloses Source of Funds for Benny Hinn Crusade

Rachel Ruto Discloses Source of Funds for Benny Hinn Crusade

Rachel Ruto Discloses Source of Funds for Benny Hinn Crusade

On Saturday, Kenya’s First Lady, Rachel Ruto, clarified the funding source for sponsoring the crusade of American televangelist Benny Hinn.

Speaking to a gathering at Nyayo Stadium in Nairobi, the spouse of President William Ruto affirmed that the event was fully coordinated and financed by Kenyan churches.

She diluted reports suggesting that the government financed the multimillion-dollar conference using taxpayers’ funds.

“The church has fully funded all that was needed to make the crusade a success,” Rachel Ruto remarked.

Rachel Ruto praised the contributions of the churches in bringing the envisioned crusade to fruition and extended thanks to Benny Hinn for agreeing to the church’s invitation to visit Kenya.

As per the First Lady’s account, she encountered the televangelist in Florida, USA. During this encounter, she seized the opportunity and persuaded him to visit Kenya.


“I thank Benny Hinn for accepting our request to come to Kenya. I can tell you it is a big honor. When I met him in Florida he told me he had stopped going out of America,” the First Lady narrated.

“It has been 23 years since Benny Hinn has been to this nation and I know he has many invitations from all over the world. We are very grateful that he has stepped into the soil of Kenya and because of that, he has also stepped into Africa,” she added.

On February 13, the steering committee responsible for organizing the crusade dismissed allegations made by a section of the public that Benny Hinn’s conference was stated-funded.

“The event has been organized, funded, and coordinated by the churches of Kenya, which include both mainstream and evangelical churches in Kenya,” Archbishop Harrison Ng’ang’a, the committee lead, stated.

“I do not believe that the government funds religious activities. We understand the importance of maintaining public confidence and we want to reassure Kenyans that their taxes will not be used for this event,” he added.

Rachel Ruto Discloses Source of Funds for Benny Hinn Crusade