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HomeNewsPresident Ruto Appoints CDF Kahariri, 5 Others to New Role

President Ruto Appoints CDF Kahariri, 5 Others to New Role

President Ruto Appoints CDF Kahariri, 5 Others to New Role

President William Ruto has designated Chief of Defence Forces Charles Muriu Kahariri as the chairperson of the presidential task force for the Kenya Home of Human Origins Museum and Science Park in the Lake Turkana Basin.

In a Gazette Notice, President Ruto has also nominated Mary Gikungu, the Director General at the National Museums of Kenya, to serve as a member of the task force. Additionally, she will join Principal Secretaries from various ministries, including Treasury, Defence, Wildlife, Tourism, Culture, Shipping, and Maritime Affairs.

CDF Kahariri takes over this role from the late Francis Ogolla, whose appointment to the task force was rescinded.

According to the notice, Kahariri’s appointment will take effect immediately. The notice states, “His Excellency the President has appointed Gen. Charles Muriu Kahariri as Chairperson and Director General, National Museums of Kenya, to be a member of the Steering Committee of the Taskforce on the Development of Kenya Home of Human Origins Museum and Science Park in the Lake Turkana Basin.”

President Ruto has made four other appointments aimed at enhancing service delivery in his administration. 


Jackton Ojwang has been re-appointed as the chairperson of the board of Directors of the Energy and Petroleum Authority (EPRA) for a four-year term. 

Professor Mohamed Said has been appointed as the non-executive chairperson of the board of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO for three years

Former Nairobi Speaker Benson Mutura has been appointed as the chairperson of the Nairobi Metropolitan Area Transport Authority Board (NAMATA) for three years, while Dr. Ningala Kalachu has been tasked with chairing the Council of Veterinary Medicines Directorate for a similar duration.

In his new capacity, CDF Kahariri and his team will be responsible for conducting research, designing, and implementing the project. 

This will entail assessing and identifying necessary infrastructural developments to leverage the tourism potential of the Lake Turkana Basin.

The task force aims to diversify Kenya’s tourism sector, traditionally dominated by wildlife and beach tourism, by enticing tourists to explore and engage with the origins of humanity.

Kahariri’s promotion to the rank of General coincided with his assumption of the role of CDF. Previously, he served as Lieutenant General and Vice Chief of Defence Forces.

President Ruto Appoints CDF Kahariri, 5 Others to New Role