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HomeNewsPresident Ruto Applauds Peaceful Police Amid Protests

President Ruto Applauds Peaceful Police Amid Protests

President Ruto Applauds Peaceful Police Amid Protests

William Ruto praised police officers for maintaining order during Wednesday’s anti-government demonstrations led by Azimio la Umoja.

President Ruto stated on Thursday at a roadside address in Isiolo that police officers were resolute in safeguarding the lives and property of Kenyans, even though protesters were engaged in fierce running battles with anti-riot police officers.

He said, “I want to congratulate our police for being courageous and ensuring that there is peace, as well as taking action against all offenders so that there is peace in Kenya and people’s property is protected.”

Kenya is our only territory, and we must protect it by any means necessary.

The Head of State further condemned the vandalism of property across the nation, stating that any attempt to undermine the nation’s recovering economy will not be tolerated.

“Kenyans do not desire violence, disorder, anarchy, or the destruction of property and enterprises. “The people of Kenya have stated that we are a democratic nation, that we respect the votes of ordinary citizens, and that when the people of Kenya speak, it is as if God himself has spoken,” he said.

“It is impossible for us to alter what our democracy and nation stand for. Every Kenyan has stated that we cannot use violence to sabotage our economy, and we are all obligated to defend our nation.

Five persons were killed as a result of the daylong protests, including two in Nairobi, one in Makueni (Emali), one in Nakuru, one in Migori, and one in Kisumu (Nyamasaria).

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In addition, 38 injuries were reported, including 12 in Migori (5 gunshot wounds and 7 soft tissue injuries), 9 in Nakuru (8 gunshot wounds and cut injuries), 5 in Siaya (gunshot wounds), 9 in Kisumu (gunshot wounds), 1 in Kibra (gunshot wound), and 2 in Mathare (gunshot wounds).

Three hundred individuals were also arrested, including ten in Kisii, five in Nyamira, thirty in Nairobi, thirty-seven in Nakuru, three in Mombasa, and four in Siaya.

Ruto’s remarks come after the United Nations criticized local authorities for their use of lethal force to suppress anti-government demonstrations across the country.

On July 14, the spokesperson for the UN Human Rights Office, Jeremy Laurence, stated that the organization was “very concerned by the widespread violence and allegations of unnecessary or disproportionate use of force, including the use of firearms, by police during the protests led by Azimio.”

Alfred Mutua, Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, responded to the UN statement on Wednesday, labeling it as false and misleading propaganda designed to deny Kenyans their democratic freedom.

Similarly, the Permanent Mission of Kenya criticized the United Nations for misrepresenting and misinforming the protest, calling into doubt the UN’s reliance on ‘third-party’ information sources and noting that it undermines the legitimacy of the data used to condemn Kenya.

President Ruto Applauds Peaceful Police Amid Protests