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HomeNewsPope Sees 'Hypocrisy' In Those Who Criticise LGBT Blessings

Pope Sees ‘Hypocrisy’ In Those Who Criticise LGBT Blessings

Pope Sees ‘Hypocrisy’ In Those Who Criticise LGBT Blessings

Pope Francis asserted that he perceives “hypocrisy” in the criticism directed towards his choice to permit priests to bless same-sex couples, marking this statement as one of his most emphatic defenses of the decision.

Last month, the Vatican document named Fiducia Supplicans (Supplicating Trust) granted approval for LGBT blessings. However, this decision has faced substantial opposition within the Catholic Church, especially from African bishops.

“Nobody gets scandalized if I give my blessings to a businessman who perhaps exploits people, and this is a very grave sin. But they get scandalized if I give them to a homosexual,” Francis told the Italian Catholic magazine Credere.

“This is hypocrisy,” he said.

Credere unveiled portions of the interview on Wednesday, one day before its scheduled publication.


Francis also said he “always” welcomes LGBT people and remarried divorcees to the sacrament of confession, according to another passage published by Vatican media.

“No one should be denied a blessing. Everyone, everyone, everyone” the pontiff said, repeating a three-word slogan he used in August during a Catholic youth festival in Portugal.

Francis, who famously said “Who am I to judge?” when asked about homosexuality at the beginning of his papacy, has made it one of his missions to make the Catholic Church more welcoming and less judgmental.

Conservatives say this risks undermining the Church’s moral teachings.

Francis has consistently supported Fiducia Supplicans, yet he has recognized the opposition it faces. For instance, he has emphasized that priests should consider local sensitivities while administering blessings.

Pope Sees ‘Hypocrisy’ In Those Who Criticise LGBT Blessings