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HomeNewsPolice Reveal Cause Of Londiani Accident That Led To 40 Casualties

Police Reveal Cause Of Londiani Accident That Led To 40 Casualties

Police Reveal Cause Of Londiani Accident That Led To 40 Casualties

Officers from the Fort Tenan Police Station in Kericho have disclosed the reason behind the early morning crash in Londiani, which involved a 66-passenger bus and resulted in more than 40 individuals sustaining severe injuries.

As per a police report acquired by PoliticalPulseChat, the event transpired at 3:00 am while the Isuzu Bus driver was hurrying from Nairobi to Busia.

When the bus arrived at Londiani in Kericho, the private vehicle it was following abruptly halted, causing the bus driver to quickly change direction to prevent a crash.

Consequently, the bus driver swerved towards the left of the road, resulting in the passengers being jolted.

Due to the collision, more than 40 passengers sustained injuries and were quickly taken to Forternan Sub-County Hospital to receive medical care.

The quick choice made by the driver to veer rather than abruptly stop prevented any casualties among the passengers.

He additionally averted a path of chaos since other vehicles were closely racing behind.


“Police officers attached to Fort Tenan Police Station visited the scene,” read part of the report, adding that they cordoned off and assessed the area.

The Kenya Red Cross reported the incident, stating that 40 individuals who were affected were rescued with the help of the County ambulance and individuals offering their support.

After the event, the organization offered mental and emotional assistance to the individuals impacted.

Londiani has gained a reputation as a dangerous area due to the frequent happening of multiple accidents. Approximately six months ago, in July, nearly 52 individuals lost their lives in an identical location.

Afterward, the Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen directed the installation of speed bumps, assuring Kenyans that his department would take measures to avoid another tragedy at that dangerous location.

As per the NTSA, by October 2023, road accidents resulted in the loss of 3,760 lives among Kenyans.

Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen at the scene of the Londiani accident in Kericho on July 1, 2023

Police Reveal Cause Of Londiani Accident That Led To 40 Casualties