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HomePOLITICSOparanya Urges Luhya Unity: Calls for Mudavadi, Wetang'ula to Merge Parties

Oparanya Urges Luhya Unity: Calls for Mudavadi, Wetang’ula to Merge Parties

Oparanya Urges Luhya Unity: Calls for Mudavadi, Wetang’ula to Merge Parties

To seek political unity in the Western region, two prominent politicians have been encouraged to merge their parties and collaborate to create a strong team in preparation for the 2027 General Election.

In Mombasa over the weekend, Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) deputy party leader Wycliffe Oparanya urged Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula to join forces under a single political party to achieve the sought-after Luhya unity.

Mr. Oparanya mentioned that earlier efforts to convince Mr. Mudavadi and Mr. Wetang’ula to merge their parties, the Amani National Congress (ANC) and Ford-Kenya, had been unsuccessful.

“Some years back, I urged Mr. Mudavadi and Mr Wetang’ula to fold their outfits and form one party. We formed a committee under then Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale but, to this day, I am yet to receive any report [on the progress of the talks]. I hope they are still considering [the unity proposal],” said Mr Oparanya.

Mr. Mudavadi and Mr. Wetang’ula are the top government officials from the Western region, an area previously troubled by various political disturbances due to conflicting beliefs.

In a gathering with members of the Luhya community at St Luke’s Makupa Hall in Mombasa City, Mr. Oparanya encouraged voters to stay with ODM and back his campaign to become the party leader.


“We have been talking of Luhya unity for many years but let’s focus on 2027 and I urge you to follow me,” said Mr Oparanya.

He added: “Today, I am in the backyard of [former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho] and I have received a warm welcome. This is what we call democracy and I urge him [Mr Joho] to feel free to move to any part of the country to [also campaign for the ODM party leader post].”

Mr. Oparanya also mentioned his ongoing support for Luhya empowerment organizations like the Western Region Caucus. He was joined by Busia Governor Paul Otwoma, Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi, Nominated Senator Crystal Asige, Kakamega Woman Rep Elsie Muhanda, and Likuyani MP Innocent Mugabe.

Mr. Osotsi affirmed his backing of ODM party leader Raila Odinga’s pursuit of the African Union Commission chairmanship. He called on Mr. Odinga to pass the leadership role to Mr. Oparanya if he secures the top position in the AU.

“Mr Oparanya will steer the party to even greater heights. I hope that ODM will take over the government in the next General Election,” Mr Osotsi said.

In passing, politicians in the Coast region who support ODM and have backed Mr. Joho’s campaign to be the party’s presidential candidate in 2027 notably stayed away from Mr. Oparanya’s event.

Oparanya Urges Luhya Unity: Calls for Mudavadi, Wetang’ula to Merge Parties