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HomeNewsOmtatah Spells Consequences for Ruto's Attack on Judiciary

Omtatah Spells Consequences for Ruto’s Attack on Judiciary

Omtatah Spells Consequences for Ruto’s Attack on Judiciary

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah has cautioned President Ruto to refrain from pursuing a harmful course of criticizing the Judiciary, as it could undermine trust in the branch of government overseen by Chief Justice Martha Koome.

During a press conference in Nairobi on January 5th, Omtatah called upon Ruto to present proof backing his allegations that the Judiciary houses corrupt judges.

“Let him provide concrete evidence of any judge or litigant taking or offering bribes,” Omatatah stated.

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah speaking during the launch of the County Aggregation and Industrial Park(CAIP) in Busia County on August 11, 2023.

The human rights advocate also warned Ruto about the dangers of becoming too consumed by power, as it could lead him to act impulsively.

In his opinion, Ruto’s assertions were merely accusations without sufficient supporting documentation.

“The President has a right, like any other citizen, to be heard & protest, I implore him to utilize his access to intelligence resources to unearth instances of corruption within the Judiciary,” he further argued. 

Omtatah suggested that Ruto should publicly apologize for his remarks that have caused widespread anger across the country.


“He should apologize to the Judiciary and seek forgiveness from the diligent, public-spirited Kenyans & institutions that have challenged his pet projects in court,” Omtatah commented.

Chief Justice Martha Koome also highlighted the alleged attempts of the Executive to intimidate the judiciary and encouraged judges to continue their duties without being afraid or influenced by such intimidation.

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) increased pressure on Ruto by suggesting the possibility of organizing nationwide protests in the upcoming week if he doesn’t retract his statements.

Nevertheless, on January 3, Ruto disregarded the judicial cautions and restated his belief that certain corrupt individuals within the Judiciary aimed to undermine his accomplishments.

“Corruption must not find refuge behind the shield of judicial independence,” Ruto stated.

Omtatah Spells Consequences for Ruto’s Attack on Judiciary