ODM Disbands National Elections Board

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ODM Disbands National Elections Board

On Wednesday, January 10, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) declared the dissolution of the party’s National Elections Board.

The communication was delivered by the political faction headed by ex-Prime Minister Raila Odinga during the Central Committee gathering hosted at the Orange House in Nairobi.

The opposition party declared that following the dissolution of the NEB, it would be transferring the responsibility of party elections to the local level.

Raila Odinga (second left) chairing ODM Central Committee meeting on January 10, 2023.

“Party elections to be managed at County level with 2 coordinators,” the Committee recommended during the meeting. 

Regarding the operational functionality in the absence of a functional NEB, ODM disclosed that a coordinating committee consisting of three individuals on a national scale would directly submit reports to the party’s central committee.

“This is aimed at improving efficiency, credibility, and grassroots empowerment in the spirit of revolution which the party holds dearly,” the Party informed its members. 

ODM stated that Emily Awita and Richard Tairo, previously part of the dissolved NEB, would be kept within the 3-person National Coordinating Committee to ensure continuity of institutional knowledge.


Furthermore, there was a suggestion to include Beatrice Askul from Turkana County on the committee.

Recruitment efforts from the ground level and discussion sessions are scheduled to occur in nine counties during January.

These include; Busia, Vihiga, Bungoma, Lamu, Tana River, Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Kwale, and Mombasa.

Raila Odinga, who headed the committee, expressed dissatisfaction with the reduction of funding allocated to political parties.

“This follows the recent slashing of the allocation to political parties funds by 60 percent in the supplementary budget passed by Parliament,” a statement from the party read in part. 

Raila and his team commented that President William Ruto’s government aimed to undermine and weaken political parties.

ODM Disbands National Elections Board