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HomeNewsMuseveni's Son, General Muhoozi Breaks Silence on General Ogolla's Death

Museveni’s Son, General Muhoozi Breaks Silence on General Ogolla’s Death

Museveni’s Son, General Muhoozi Breaks Silence on General Ogolla’s Death

Uganda Peoples’ Defense Forces Chief of Defense Forces, General Muhoozi Kainerugaba, has condoled and mourned with millions of Kenyans following the tragic death of the Chief of Defense Forces, General Francis Ogolla, on Thursday.

General Ogolla was among nine military officers who perished in a military helicopter crash in Elgeyo Marakwet County. Two others survived.

“In the demise of General Ogolla, Kenya and indeed the entire East African Community (EAC) have lost an accomplished General. Our hearts are with the bereaved families. May the souls of the departed Rest in Peace,” General Kainerugaba said in a statement.

General Kainerugaba is the only son of Uganda’s  President Yoweri Museveni.

President Museveni appointed General Kainerugaba as the Chief of Defense Forces in March 2024 in a round of appointments and promotions.

General Kainerugaba’s promotion took place a year after he was promoted to the rank of General, and 17 months since he threatened to storm Nairobi with his troops and take it over as a Ugandan territory.


Despite his controversial sentiments on foreign policy, General Kainerugaba is now the most senior military officer in Uganda.

The late General Ogolla has gone down in the history of Kenya as the shortest-serving Chief of Defense Forces, having been appointed to the position in April 2023 by President William Ruto.

Before meeting his sudden and tragic death, General Ogolla had a busy day of monitoring a peacekeeping mission and monitoring renovation works at five schools in the Elgeyo Marakwet region. The accident occurred as he was on his way to another public engagement.

The deceased CDF is survived by his widow, Mrs Aileen Kathambi Ogolla, and their two children, Lorna Achieng Omondi and Joel Rabuku Omondi Ogolla. He is also survived by a daughter-in-law, Muthoni Njenga Mwaura, and a grandson, Taji Mbarara.

His death was mourned by top political figures in the country led by President William Ruto, retired president Uhuru Kenyatta, and opposition leader Raila Odinga.

Museveni’s Son, General Muhoozi Breaks Silence on General Ogolla’s Death