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HomePOLITICSMultibillion Scandals That Rocked Kenya Kwanza Administration

Multibillion Scandals That Rocked Kenya Kwanza Administration

Multibillion Scandals That Rocked Kenya Kwanza Administration

During the initial year of the Kenya Kwanza government, President William Ruto’s leadership has been marred by several multi-billion scandals that have damaged the reputation of the State.

In May, the leader of the country had to take action following the withdrawal of a Ksh3.7 billion donation by an international donor because of procurement irregularities at the Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA).

The Global Fund called off the bid to purchase 10 million insecticide-treated nets because it was revealed that KEMSA had given the contract to a company incapable of fulfilling it.

Taking decisive action, the President dismissed Josephine Mburu, the Principal Secretary of Public Health and Professional Standards, along with Daniel Ronoh, the Chairman of the KEMSA Board.

Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) facility in Nairobi on May 10, 2023.

Terry Ramadhan, who served as the CEO of KEMSA, faced suspension during the organizational overhaul but was later assigned the role of Deputy Envoy to India after six months.

A month later, President Ruto was compelled to dismiss 27 government officials due to another controversy, this instance revolving around tainted sugar.


Head of Public Service Felix Koskei mentioned that despite being declared unsuitable for consumption by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), a shipment of 20,000 bags, each weighing 50 kilograms, had made its way into the market.

Some prominent government officials, such as KEBS Managing Director Bernard Njiraini and Director of Quality Assurance and Inspection Geoffrey Muriira, were dismissed in the wake of the scandal.

Furthermore, top officials from the Kenya Ports Authority, Kenya Revenue Authority, and National Police Service were also instructed to take action.

In November, the nation witnessed yet another multi-billion scandal when Ann Njeri Njoroge, who identified herself as an oil importer, raised concerns that the government had seized her Ksh17 billion shipment of fuel.

Although the Ministry of Energy claimed that the fuel was owned by a different oil company, Njeri accused high-ranking officials from President William Ruto’s administration of plotting to steal the cargo.

The oil marketer in question never released. 

Multibillion Scandals That Rocked Kenya Kwanza Administration