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Mudavadi Hints at President Ruto Supporting Raila AU Job Bid

Mudavadi Hints at President Ruto Supporting Raila AU Job Bid

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has said East Africa is ready to produce the next chairperson of the African Union Commission, taking the lid off Kenya’s support for Azimio leader Raila Odinga, who on Thursday declared his interest in the seat.

 Mr Mudavadi said East Africa is ripe to lead the African Union (AU) and will field a candidate in next year’s elections, stopping short of endorsing the ODM leader.

Mr Mudavadi, who is also the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, reiterated the quest for East Africa to rise and be counted within the African Union structure.

“South, Central, and West Africa have had a share of the chairmanship on several occasions since 2002. East and North Africa have yet to have that opportunity,” he said.

Mr Mudavadi spoke on the sidelines of the ongoing 44th Ordinary Session of the AU Executive Council of Foreign Ministers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

This comes ahead of the 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of AU Member States, which will be held on February 17-18.

President William Ruto is expected to attend the sessions of the Heads of State and Government.

“We will make a substantive case as East Africa through key consultations among East African member states when we decide on our candidate,” Mr Mudavadi said.

The Prime Cabinet Secretary also stressed the need for African countries to ensure that peace prevails at all times and that a high level of security is guaranteed to the citizens of the continent.

This, he said, comes in the wake of global disruptions and displacement that have led to serious humanitarian crises in parts of the world.


“Peace is the key to every step towards prosperity in society, not only economically but also socially. There are no winners in wars and there are no losers where there is peace,” he said.

He outlined the benefits of the AU’s participation in the Group of 20 (G20) and the need to further deepen the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement.

The theme of this year’s AU Assembly is “Preparing Africans for the 21st Century through Education”.

Mr Mudavadi’s sentiments come barely a month after he hinted at a “surprise announcement” soon during his visit to Mr Odinga’s backyard in Bondo, Siaya County late last month.

While attending a church function in Bondo, Siaya County on January 28, the PCS hinted at a “surprise important and pleasant news” that he said would soon come to light.

“I want you to look at me very closely. Soon we will surprise you with some very important and pleasant news. I will say no more; I will leave it at that for now. But watch this space,” Mr Mudavadi revealed.

On Thursday, former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo also endorsed Mr Odinga for the AU top job, noting that it was the East African nation’s turn.

Mudavadi Hints at President Ruto Supporting Raila AU Job Bid