Mudavadi Claims Raila Seeks Sympathy Through Demands

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Mudavadi Claims Raila Seeks Sympathy Through Demands

Musalia Mudavadi, the chief cabinet secretary, has asserted that Raila Odinga, the leader of the opposition, is seeking sympathy with his key demand for a mediator.

Mudavadi stated at a Kwale interdenominational thanksgiving that the country is not in a state of emergency.

This occurred simultaneously with Kenya Kwanza’s announcement that it would engage the opposition on some of the issues raised.

A portion of the Kenyan Kwanza has denied that former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo was in the country, whereas other leaders have neither denied nor confirmed his presence.

“The transfer of authority between President Ruto and his predecessor was conducted in accordance with the country’s constitution. Mudavadi noted that he was given the sword as Commander-in-Chief in broad daylight.

Former Raila ally Mudavadi remarked that other countries, including South Africa, do not invite Kenya to intervene in their crises.

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In an interview with AFP early last week, Raila revealed that President Ruto had rejected the mediation efforts of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu.

Azimio reports that Suluhu was in the country and met Raila while the Kenya Kwanza side kept her waiting for two days.

“We saw in South Africa how difficult it was for President Ramaphosa to govern, but Kenya was not asked to mediate,” Mudavadi said.

“Our neighbors in Uganda have had a variety of disagreements, but no one has asked the president of Kenya to mediate. This request for international mediation is without merit.”

Azimio has insisted that the government side cannot be trusted and that an impartial third party must mediate between them.

On their side, the ruling coalition has maintained that they will only engage in discussions within parliament, but on Saturday, they indicated they would allow two members from outside parliament to participate.

Mudavadi Claims Raila Seeks Sympathy Through Demands