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HomeNewsMudavadi Blames Media For Kenya's Wrangles With East African Countries

Mudavadi Blames Media For Kenya’s Wrangles With East African Countries

Mudavadi Blames Media For Kenya’s Wrangles With East African Countries

On Sunday, Musalia Mudavadi, the Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary and Prime Cabinet Secretary, accused the media of exacerbating the tense relations between Kenya and its neighboring countries.

Addressing the audience in Busia County, Mudavadi denied the allegations suggesting that Kenya maintains a strained relationship with its neighboring East African nations, rejecting such assertions as mere speculation.

“I ask the media to stop making up the ‘wrangles’, there is no problem with our neighbors as far as Kenya is concerned,” he stated.

Mudavadi clarified that President William Ruto was focused on enhancing Kenya’s diplomatic strategies and expanding its geopolitical impact both within the region and internationally.

He mentioned that Ruto was fostering peace in conflict-ridden neighboring nations like Sudan.


Mudavadi explained that any conflicts in nearby nations would impact activities in Kenya, underscoring the importance of Ruto persisting in his role as a mediator.

The Chief Spokesperson highlighted that any potential issues would be addressed through diplomatic means. He urged the media and other authorities to refrain from disseminating inaccurate information.

“This is a key message to caution those spreading misinformation. We rely on you so that the country continues to be unified,” he remarked.

He emphasized the importance of leaders collaborating with President Ruto to guarantee that Kenyans reap the rewards of development initiatives. The Prime CS conveyed to the leaders that the election period had concluded, emphasizing that all elected officials should now focus on serving the people.

Kenya’s Relationship With Neighbours

In recent months, certain occurrences have led both politicians and the general Kenyan population to ponder whether the country, governed by the Kenya Kwanza administration, has encountered tensions in its relations with neighboring nations.

On the recent Jamhuri Day, there was a noticeable surprise as regional leaders, including Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, did not attend the event, sparking speculation and curiosity.

President Ruto reassured the nation that Kenya’s connection with the East African Community (EAC) remained strong in his response.

A situation that prompted inquiries occurred when Tanzania prohibited the operation of passenger flights between Nairobi and Dar es Salaam.

Moreover, Uganda halted its oil imports via Kenya and proceeded to file a lawsuit against Kenya at the East Africa Court of Justice in connection with this matter.

Mudavadi Blames Media For Kenya’s Wrangles With East African Countries