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HomePOLITICSMudavadi Announces Earthquake 2.0 Ahead of 2027 Running Mate Decision

Mudavadi Announces Earthquake 2.0 Ahead of 2027 Running Mate Decision

Mudavadi Announces Earthquake 2.0 Ahead of 2027 Running Mate Decision

On Sunday, March 31, Prime Cabinet Secretary (PCS) Musalia Mudavadi suggested that a significant political shake-up, referred to as “earthquake 2.0,” could be on the horizon, indicating potential major shifts in the political landscape leading up to the 2027 elections.

Musalia recognized that UDA held the central position in the Kenya Kwanza administration, but he also emphasized that his Amani National Congress (ANC) was not to be underestimated.

Musalia’s remarks coincided with a period of widespread speculation suggesting that President William Ruto is actively seeking a new vice-presidential candidate, with Musalia potentially being prepared for the role of Kenya’s next president.

“I must tell you frankly that our conversations must be serious about how to strengthen the Kenya Kwanza administration and how to work very closely with the UDA and even engage in deeper debates,” he told ANC supporters. 

“Do not ask me which debates. I will tell you later which debate. Another earthquake is coming.”

Mudavadi experienced a seismic shift in 2022 when he opted to depart from the One Kenya Alliance (OKA) and align himself with President William Ruto.


Despite hinting at a seismic event, Musalia denied claims suggesting fractures within the Kenya Kwanza government.

The Public Communication Secretary (PCS) noted that the members of Kenya Kwanza were collaborating effectively to ensure that President William Ruto’s government fulfilled its responsibilities.

“I want to assure you that for as long as God gives me life, our job will be to strengthen Kenya Kwanza’s administration under William Ruto and not try to undermine it from within,” he vowed. 

Musalia emphasized that being among the most experienced members of the ANC, he was in a position to speak on behalf of the party.

The ex-vice president resigned from his position as ANC party leader in October 2022, following his nomination for the role of PCS.

Lamu Governor Issa Timamy took on his role temporarily, stepping in to fill the position left vacant.

Mudavadi Announces Earthquake 2.0 Ahead of 2027 Running Mate Decision