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HomeNewsMotorists Expose Petrol Stations Selling 1 ltr At Ksh300

Motorists Expose Petrol Stations Selling 1 ltr At Ksh300

Motorists Expose Petrol Stations Selling 1 ltr At Ksh300

The Energy Petroleum and Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has recommended a maximum price for gasoline. However, some motorists have complained of being victimized by gas stations that sell fuel at a higher price.

This group of Kenyans complained online that gas station personnel take advantage of the fact that most motorists are unaware of fuel price changes to make a killing by engaging in shady business practices.

In one video that went viral on social media, a motorist in Nakuru complained to the attendant that he had paid Ksh300 for 1 liter of fuel.

According to EPRA, the highest price per liter of Super Petrol in Nairobi is Ksh211.64, Diesel is Ksh200.99, and Kerosene is Ksh202.61.

A second motorist complained that a gas station in Meru County dispensed 800 ml of gasoline instead of the standard liter for the same price. She surmised that fuel at other stations was frequently adulterated to increase their stock levels.

EPRA Lists 18 Petrol Stations Selling Adulterated Fuel
A photo of a motorist fuelling a car a local petrol station in Kenya

“After realizing this, I went back to the station and asked for 10 liters of fuel without asking the price. My friends and the attendant got confused. He called a colleague who explained to him that I was seeking to buy 10 liters. After prompting the fuel machine, the second attendant informed me that the total price was Ksh2,122,” she said.

“So, when the pump got to Ksh2,122 he tapped a button to stop the pump. I saw the daybreak robbery that we are being subjected to at the fuel pump.”


The driver suggested that motorists request fuel in liters rather than designating a quantity to get the best value for their money.

Peter Murima, the chairman of the Motorists Association of Kenya, told Politicalpulsechat that swindling motorists at gas stations has become commonplace.

The President explained that the association intends to investigate the matter by arranging impromptu visits to multiple gas stations. This, he said, will help them understand how widespread the vice is.

He added that the matter had been reported to EPRA officials, who promised an investigation.

Politicalpulsechat was unable to reach EPRA Director General Daniel Kiptoo via phone calls and text messages.

The news comes as 18 gas stations were flagged by EPRA on September 30 for selling adulterated fuel or fuel destined for export.

14 stations, dispersed throughout the country, were closed as a result.

A person fueling a vehicle.

Motorists Expose Petrol Stations Selling 1 ltr At Ksh300