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HomeNewsMonica Kivuti's Biography: Career profile, community work, husband & 3 kids

Monica Kivuti’s Biography: Career profile, community work, husband & 3 kids

Monica Kivuti’s Biography: Career profile, community work, husband & 3 kids

Monica Kivuti’s life was tragically cut short by an act of violence, but her legacy of integrity, dedication, and community service remains strong.

As a resident magistrate, Monica’s career was marked by her unwavering commitment to justice and her active participation in initiatives supporting vulnerable populations.

This biography explores the life of a woman who balanced professional duties with devotion to her family and community.

Monica Njoki Kivuti-Kang’ata was born on June 12, 1978, in Embu, where she was raised in a devout Christian family.

Her upbringing deeply influenced her values and career path. Monica excelled in her studies, earning a Bachelor of Law from Moi University in 2006.

She furthered her education with a Master’s in International Studies from the University of Nairobi in 2013, gaining a broad understanding of global legal frameworks and international relations.

Before joining the judiciary, Monica gained valuable experience working at Direct Line Insurance.

Her dedication and work ethic during this time laid a strong foundation for her legal career.

Monica began her judicial career on July 17, 2013, when she was appointed as a resident magistrate.

Her first posting was at the Kiambu Law Courts, where her integrity and commitment to justice quickly became apparent.

She later served at the Baricho Law Courts before being transferred to the Makadara Law Courts on October 12, 2021.

As a principal magistrate at Makadara, Monica was known for her meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to fair judgment.

Outside the courtroom, Monica was deeply involved in community initiatives. She was instrumental in establishing a Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) Centre at Jamhuri Police Station, providing crucial support for survivors.


She was also active in her church, Nairobi Chapel, where she led an outreach program for needy children, reflecting her compassion and dedication to societal betterment.

Monica was a dedicated professional and a devoted mother of three children, including an 18-month-old toddler, and a wife.

Her life exemplified balancing professional excellence with personal responsibilities.

Her family and faith were central to her life, guiding her actions and decisions in both personal and professional spheres.

Monica’s promising career and life were tragically cut short on June 13, 2024, when she was murdered by rogue police commander Samson Kipchirchir at the Makadara Law Courts.

This heinous act occurred while she was delivering a judgment in a case involving the officer’s spouse.

Her death sent shockwaves through the judiciary and the nation, highlighting the dangers faced by judicial officers.

Following her tragic death, President William Ruto condemned the attack, emphasizing the need to protect judicial officers.

Chief Justice Martha Koome declared June 18 a Judicial Day of Mourning, Remembrance, and Prayers for Hon. Kivuti.

She also announced measures to enhance the security of judicial services, ensuring they would no longer be conducted in makeshift structures.

Monica Njoki Kivuti-Kang’ata will be laid to rest on June 22, 2024, at her home in Yatta, Machakos County.

Monica Kivuti’s Biography: Career profile, community work, husband & 3 kids