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HomeNewsMeru's Plea to Ruto: Rescue Governor from Impeachment

Meru’s Plea to Ruto: Rescue Governor from Impeachment

Meru’s Plea to Ruto: Rescue Governor from Impeachment

On Wednesday, some Meru residents took to the streets in support of Governor Kawira Mwangaza, who is currently facing an impeachment investigation in the Senate.

Residents protested in a video and accused former Meru leaders of being the masterminds behind Mwangaza’s impeachment by MCAs.

“We the Meru citizens love our governor so much that is why we dully elected her with 250,000 votes because we believe in her leadership, “one of the residents said.

Residents could be heard singing Mwangaza’s praises as they reiterated that the governor deserves more time to work.


Former political candidates from the region were accused of orchestrating the ouster campaign and using the county assembly as a diversion to prevent Mwangaza from implementing her development agenda.

“The president needs to intervene and know that some of the people he placed in top ranks in government offices are so focused on seeing Meru in ruins, we request him to help save our county,” a man said.

Members of the Meru County assembly impeached Governor Mwangaza on October 25, 2023.

The motion saw a total of 59 MCAs, all of whom were at the Assembly, out of the total 69 voted in support of the impeachment motion.

This was the second time the Meru Assembly had impeached the governor.

During a heated afternoon session on Tuesday, senators voted against the motion by Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina to establish the committee to investigate the impeachment allegations against the governor. As a result, Mwangaza will face the Senate plenary in an impeachment trial.

Meru’s Plea to Ruto: Rescue Governor from Impeachment