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LSK Sets Up Team To Review Violation Of Law By President Ruto, Warn Of Impeachment

LSK Sets Up Team To Review Violation Of Law By President Ruto, Warn Of Impeachment

On Thursday, the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) formed a legal team to examine potential breaches of the Constitution by President William Ruto, following his ongoing criticisms of the Judiciary and court rulings.

LSK President Eric Theuri stated that the legal society intends to garner backing from various sources, such as religious leaders and civil society, to compel the President to uphold the rule of law. Failure to do so may result in impeachment proceedings due to a significant breach of the Constitution.

“The Constitution allows us to approach the High Court when there is a threat to violation of the Constitution to consider whether the current scenario raises enough threats of violation for the Constitution for us to move to court and seek the declaration that the President has violated the Constitution…as you know one of the grounds for impeachment is a violation of the Constitution,” he stated.

Theuri, a candidate vying for the LSK representative position on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) in the forthcoming elections, informed the President that the control of judicial authority was no longer in the hands of specific individuals.

“The rule of man died with the old Constitution, 14 years down the line we will not allow a roll back to those days when a President was autocratic and carried himself as if he was above the law,” he stated.

The LSK stated in anticipation of the upcoming nationwide lawyers’ protests on Friday. This comes amidst President Ruto’s ongoing allegations that the legal courts are obstructing his development initiatives.

“Naambia kortini, hakuna vile tunaweza kusimamisha mpango kama hii ya housing…mpango ambayo iko kwa katiba, manifesto na imepitishiwa sheria, nikiongea na nyinyi hapa kwa ile sites tuko nayo, vijana zaidi ya 120,000 wanafanya kazi ikiwemo 500 hapa Ol Kalou halafu mtu anasema tusimamishe mradi sababu ya mambo yake ya kibinafsi hawa vijana 120,000 nitawapeleka wapi,” President Ruto recently said.


Theuri added: “We want to advise the President to dissuade him of this notion that he could be above the law or that whatever he wishes or whatever he wants should guide decisions the Judiciary give, he may get it in Parliament but he will not get it in the Judiciary for as long as we are watching.”

Without offering proof, the President once again claimed that recent court decisions were influenced by corruption and bribery.

“Maendeleo ya Kenya imecheleweshwa siku nyingi na watu wachache ambao wanafaidika na yale mambo yanaendelea sahii, kuna watu hawajawahi kulala njaa, kuna mtu ako na kazi, bibi na watoto wako na kazi, sababu ako na pesa anaenda kununua wakili anahongana kortini ati vijana wasipate kazi wawe watumwa wao, na mimi nimekataa hiyo maneno,” he said.

LSK has scheduled peaceful demonstrations for Friday to uphold the rule of law. Lawyers are instructed to wear purple ribbons and gather at the Supreme Court. The protest will then progress to the President’s office and Parliament buildings, culminating back at the Supreme Court.

“Advocates will come out and affirm their oath and their readiness to defend the Constitution and the rule of law,” Theuri said.

While continuing his developmental tour of Central Kenya, President Ruto asserts that corruption is widespread within the Judiciary, and he remains committed to combating it.

LSK Sets Up Team To Review Violation Of Law By President Ruto, Warn Of Impeachment