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HomeNewsLover Stabs Cop To Death, Drags Him From House To Neighbour's Plot

Lover Stabs Cop To Death, Drags Him From House To Neighbour’s Plot

Lover Stabs Cop To Death, Drags Him From House To Neighbour’s Plot

A police officer from Tana River County succumbed to knife wounds on Wednesday morning.

According to police reports, the officer posted at Kilelengwani Patrol Base in the Tana Delta sub-county was killed by his lover.

Detectives attached to the case revealed the duo lived together in a rental apartment at the Chuma Mrefu trading center.

On a fateful day, neighbors stated that they were woken at 3 am by the police and lover’s heated argument. They, however, could not ascertain the cause of the night wrangle.

The 35-year-old woman from Meru County then allegedly stabbed the officer with a kitchen knife, with the fight escalating to the neighboring plot.

Eyewitnesses added that the officer, who was bleeding profusely from the stab wounds, succumbed to the injuries on his neck and forehead moments later.


Alarmed by the incident, the locals rushed to the Tarassa Police Station to report the matter.

“Officers rushed to the scene and found a dead body lying outside on a plot at Chuma Mrefu village with stab wounds on his neck and forehead and a pool of blood around his face,” read part of the police report.

A blood-stained knife that was recovered near the body was secured as part of the evidence police will use while conducting investigations.

Police ferried their colleague’s body to the Malindi Sub-County Hospital mortuary, awaiting a postmortem.

They also launched a manhunt for the main suspect, who is currently on the run.

Lover Stabs Cop To Death, Drags Him From House To Neighbour’s Plot