Ledama Confronts Ruto Over 75,000 Acre Kedong Ranch

HomeNewsLedama Confronts Ruto Over 75,000 Acre Kedong Ranch

Ledama Confronts Ruto Over 75,000 Acre Kedong Ranch

Sunday, Senator Ledama Ole Kina of Narok challenged President William Ruto regarding his promise to subdivide and return 75,000 acres of Kedong Ranch to the Maasai Community.

According to Ledama, the Head of State is insincere because only 70,000 acres of the estate are available for subdivision after 4,000 acres were purchased for the Kitet community and 1,000 acres were set aside by the Jubilee Administration for the construction of a dry port, leaving 70,000 acres.

According to the Senator, when President William Ruto visited Narok County on September 30, he promised to donate 10,000 acres of land from the ranch to the Maasai Community.

Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina attending an Azimio rally in Nairobi County on March 10, 2023.

“When you tell the Maasai that you told Kedong to give Maasai 10,000 acres of land without proof, aren’t you just selling air to the community,” the Narok Senator said in a statement.

The Kedong Ranch is a contentious issue within the Maasai community. 


Regional political leaders have previously accused influential politicians from previous administrations of attempting to seize power.

Notably, Kedong Ranch was among the properties invaded by thugs alongside the Kenyatta Northlands farm earlier in the year, when the nation was experiencing political instability.

President William Ruto guaranteed the Maa Community that he would return the Kedong Ranch to them during the height of his election campaign leading up to the 2022 elections.

“The issue that is remaining is the Rose Farm and Kedong Ranch. We need to finish it the way we solved the Mau land issue so that the locals can be given the land’s ownership and the Government will pay,”

Similarly, when President William Ruto visited Kajiado County on August 22 to open the Maa Cultural Week, he announced intentions to transfer partial management of Amboseli National Park to the Kajiado County government.

“You have demonstrated beyond the doubt that you have the capacity to manage the resource,” Ruto said.

President William Ruto speaking in Olopirik village, Narok County on September 30, 2023

Ledama Confronts Ruto Over 75,000 Acre Kedong Ranch