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HomeNewsKipsigis Girls Deputy Principal Collapses and Dies

Kipsigis Girls Deputy Principal Collapses and Dies

Kipsigis Girls Deputy Principal Collapses and Dies

Kipsigis Girls High School’s deputy principal, Sylvia Ngetich, passed away on Friday morning after collapsing in her home

Speaking to PoliticalPulseChat, Kericho East Officer Commanding Police Division, Peter Mutuma, confirmed that Ngetich was found unconscious in her bedroom. 

She was immediately rushed to the hospital, where she was declared dead upon arrival.

Her body was then moved to Siloam Hospital Mortuary pending an autopsy. 

Police have yet to announce her cause of death and believed that the postmortem would shed more light on the incident. 

Meanwhile, the Kericho County Directorate of Criminal Investigations launched an investigation into the case. 


The school principal, Christine Chumba, however, declined to comment on the matter and urged the public to be patient as police continue with investigations. 

Even though she disclosed to the OCPD that Ngetich had earlier been diagnosed with low blood pressure.

Chumba added that the deceased had even gone for a medical check-up earlier, according to those privy to the case. 

Kipsigis Girls High School fraternity mourned their teacher by sharing condolence messages on social media platforms.

Ngetich’s death came at a time when the school was wrapping up its first week of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE) National examinations.

The exams are scheduled to end on November 24, 2023.

Kipsigis Girls Deputy Principal Collapses and Dies