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HomeNewsKilifi Chief Officer's Husband Unveils Motive Behind Tragic House Help Murder

Kilifi Chief Officer’s Husband Unveils Motive Behind Tragic House Help Murder

Kilifi Chief Officer’s Husband Unveils Motive Behind Tragic House Help Murder

The death of Rahab Karisa, who served as the Kilifi Chief County Officer for Fisheries and Blue Economy, left a profound void in the life of her spouse, Maxwell Mmera.

Mmera recounted the confrontation that allegedly led to the stabbing death of his adored wife, Rahab Karisa, by her housekeeper on Friday, July 21.

Mmera claimed in an emotional tribute on his social media pages that Karisa confronted their housekeeper on Wednesday night, July 19, over allegedly missing domestic items while she was on duty in Europe.

Before retiring to bed, the deceased threatened to report the housekeeper to the police. According to her husband’s account, she was unaware that the evening would be her last.

On the morning of Thursday, July 20, the housekeeper allegedly attacked her employer while she was still sleeping in the master bedroom out of dread of being arrested.

ALSO READ: House Help Fatally Attacks Kilifi County Chief Officer

“Rather than merely departing peacefully, she awoke and stabbed you while you were sleeping. That was so excruciating, my darling.

“I regret that I was unable to safeguard you. You had just returned to the country and were unable to visit me because of a protest, Mrema remarked with intensity.

He added that the loss of his wife had impacted his young family, as their children were still traumatized after discovering their mother’s corpse.
Mmera bemoaned the fact that Rahab Karisa was assassinated two days before her birthday.

“I am going to need the assistance of a child therapist. The other child is still unaware that his mother has passed away.

“My childhood sweetheart, my confidante, my wife, my mother, and the home’s owner. The husband mourned, “I will mourn you properly later, but for now, as you always said, allow me to handle it.”

Thursday, July 20th, Kilifi County Commander Fatuma Hadi confirmed the incident and stated that police had launched a manhunt for the maid. The police have not yet released an initial report on the case.

Kilifi Chief Officer’s Husband Unveils Motive Behind Tragic House Help Murder