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HomeNewsKevin Kang’ethe Extradition: DPP Opposes Release On Bail

Kevin Kang’ethe Extradition: DPP Opposes Release On Bail

Kevin Kang’ethe Extradition: DPP Opposes Release On Bail

The Director of Public Prosecutions for The Office plans to submit a request to contest the bail release of Kenyan individual Kevin Adam Kinyanjui Kang’ethe while awaiting extradition proceedings.

Guided by Prosecution Counsel Vincent Monda, the Director of Public Prosecutions informed Milimani Chief Magistrate Lucas Onyina that they intend to submit an affidavit contesting his release on bail and bond terms by the end of business on Thursday.

He mentioned that the process would follow proper procedures as long as the accused adhered to the directives given by Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate Zainabu Abdul last Wednesday.

The court ordered Kang’ethe’s detention at Muthaiga Police Station for a period of 30 days, and he is to be held in custody until March 4th.

On Thursday, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) took legal action to initiate extradition proceedings following the receipt of a formal extradition request from the United States.

While discussing the matter, Monda also sought guidance on the upcoming steps in the process.

He mentioned that Kang’ethe is being sought by a court in Massachusetts in the United States, and a warrant for his arrest was issued on November 2, 2023.

The prosecutor asked the Kenyan court to approve the mentioned arrest warrant and subsequently provide instructions regarding the procedures for the extradition case.

The attorneys for Kang’ethe, on the other hand, objected to the forthcoming affidavit, contending that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is attempting to detain the suspect indefinitely without regard for his rights.

They contended that the events on Wednesday should not be conflated with those on Thursday, asserting that there was every right to submit bail applications in the extradition case.


They also inquired about the process for handing over the accused to the United States.

“Your Honor I think it is neat, orderly, and equally procedural to take direction on how to proceed. We request for the directions,” Respondent Counsel Kago said.

He also requested additional time to address the DPP’s application and to provide a response to the affidavit.

The court granted the requested extension to the parties and instructed the prosecution to submit the affidavit opposing bail by the close of business on February 1, with a requirement to serve it to the respondents.

The individuals are required to respond to the inquiry by the conclusion of Friday and provide a response to the application from the DPP within the subsequent three days.

“Directions on the manner of disposal on the notice of motion shall be given on Monday, February 5, 2024. The bond issue will also be decided then, “Magistrate Onyina directed.

The accusation suggests that the individual repeatedly stabbed Margaret Mbitu in the face and neck before imprisoning her inside a vehicle in a parking garage at Boston Logan International Airport.

After escaping to Kenya via the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), he concealed himself until he was apprehended in Parkland, Nairobi, on January 30, 2024.

Kevin Kang’ethe Extradition: DPP Opposes Release On Bail