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Kenya Police Hierarchy: From Ranks to Paychecks

Kenya Police Hierarchy: From Ranks to Paychecks

Similar to many other nations, the National Police Service (NPS) of Kenya is organized in a hierarchical structure, with ranks that represent varying levels of authority, responsibility, and service requirements.

The NPS consists of a broad spectrum of roles, from street-patrolling constables to high-ranking officers managing strategic operations, all vital for maintaining law and order.

This article examines the hierarchical framework of the NPS, outlining the ranks from lowest to highest and detailing the salaries associated with each position.

1. Constable

At the base of the NPS hierarchy is the Constable rank. Constables are tasked with frontline duties such as regular patrols, crime prevention, and ensuring public safety.

To become a Constable, individuals must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a Kenyan citizen.
  • Hold a minimum Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with a mean grade of D+.
  • Pass rigorous physical and medical evaluations.
  • Complete basic training at the designated police training college.

Newly recruited constables earn a salary starting at Sh21,645, which can increase to Sh40,554.

2. Corporal

Above Constable, the next rank is Corporal. Corporals often act as team leaders or supervisors for junior officers.

They earn between Sh27,879 and Sh51,809.

3. Sergeant

Sergeants serve in a supervisory capacity within the NPS, managing operations at the station level and coordinating activities among lower-ranking officers.

Their salary ranges from Sh37,829 to Sh55,049.

4. Inspector

Inspectors have key responsibilities such as overseeing investigations, conducting inquiries, and enforcing laws within their jurisdictions.

Their salary range is between Sh44,369 and Sh64,379.

5. Chief Inspector

Chief Inspectors supervise multiple units or departments within the NPS.

Their earnings fall between Sh49,769 and Sh71,789.

6. Superintendent

Superintendents serve as commanding officers at the station level or lead specialized units within the NPS.

They earn up to Sh71,789 based on their tenure in the position.

7. Senior Superintendent

Senior Superintendents hold high-ranking positions within the NPS, overseeing large geographical areas or specialized divisions.

They earn up to Sh85,890.

8. Commissioner of Police

The Commissioner of Police is the highest-ranking officer within the NPS, overseeing the entire police service.

Their salary ranges from Sh106,929 to Sh156,229.

9. Assistant Inspector General of Police

This is the third-highest rank within the service, involving executive leadership, management, and advisory services related to policy, oversight, and practices under the Inspector General’s office.

The salary range for this position is Sh162,799 to Sh218,269.

10. Senior Assistant Inspector General

This is the second-highest rank within the NPS. To qualify, an officer must have served as an Assistant Inspector General for at least three years.

Candidates must also hold a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree and a certification in Strategic Leadership and Command or Development Programs from a recognized institution.

The salary range for this position is Sh200,889 to Sh298,529.

11. Inspector General of Police

This is the highest-ranking position in the National Police Service, responsible for commanding and leading the Kenya Police. The Inspector General oversees the overall operations of the NPS.

The salary for this position starts at Sh850,000.

In addition to the base salary, police officers receive various allowances such as commuter, housing, and hardship allowances, depending on their role and position.

Kenya Police Hierarchy: From Ranks to Paychecks