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HomeNewsKEBS Approves Mokwa Maize Flour Produced In Homa Bay

KEBS Approves Mokwa Maize Flour Produced In Homa Bay

KEBS Approves Mokwa Maize Flour Produced In Homa Bay

The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) has approved Mokwa maize flour produced by the Kigoto Maize Mill in Suba South constituency, Homabay County, after rumors that it is unsuitable for human consumption circulated.

A few days ago, the maize flour sparked controversy after KEBS released a report indicating that a sample of the flour contained aflatoxin, which is detrimental to humans.

The report indicates that the sample was collected for testing on August 28, 2023.

Regional Manager of KEBS Lake Andrew Maiyo clarified that the aflatoxin-tainted maize flour was removed from 36 bales intended for testing the machine for a new production system.

Maiyo told reporters at the county headquarters, where he was accompanied by Governor Gladys Wanga, that KEBS had instructed the county government to ensure that the maize used in the facility met the required standards.

“The Kigoto plant is one of the mills within our jurisdiction that produces a brand of maize called Mokwa which is fully certified by KEBS. Regarding the press report stating that the mill is in danger, we want to assure the public that KEBS has a scheme of supervision and control to ensure the public is not exposed to dangerous products,” Maiyo explained.


“We indeed found a high level of aflatoxins in a batch of 36 bales of maize flour in the plant and it has been explained by the country that this maize was part of a batch used to test the new production system.’

He stated that the Bureau has taken steps to condemn it and will shortly coordinate with county officials to have the 36 bales destroyed.

Wanga, for her part, stated that her administration acted swiftly to rectify the flaws found in the 36 bales whose samples were analyzed.

She assured inhabitants that the company’s flour is safe to consume.

“Before the Kigoto factory was opened, we had the certification of KEBS. KEBS has done regular monitoring which it does with every other industry in the country and whenever it releases a report, it is for internal improvement,” she noted.

“KEBS has tested our maize and they have given us a report that it has passed. We will not be deterred on our path towards industrialization.”

KEBS Approves Mokwa Maize Flour Produced In Homa Bay