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HomeNewsKalonzo Challenges Ruto: Lay Bare All Facts About Your US Trip

Kalonzo Challenges Ruto: Lay Bare All Facts About Your US Trip

Kalonzo Challenges Ruto: Lay Bare All Facts About Your US Trip

Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka has urged President William Ruto to reveal the specifics of his recent trip to the United States, expressing skepticism over Ruto’s choice to use a private jet rather than the national carrier and emphasizing the need for scrutiny.

“I challenge President William Ruto to lay bare all the facts regarding his recent overseas trip to the US. The money used to hire the Dubai private jet vis-à-vis using our National Carrier Kenya Airways needs further examination,” Kalonzo said.

President Ruto undertook a three-day state visit to the US, traveling aboard an A6-RJU royal jet.

In response to criticism, Ruto defended his decision, asserting that the expenses incurred for his trip were significantly lower than if he had opted for Kenya Airways. He justified his choice by emphasizing his commitment to responsible management of public funds and the imperative to lead by example in fiscal prudence.


However, Ruto refrained from disclosing the exact costs associated with the chartered jet or providing a comparison with the expenses of using Kenya Airways.

A spokesperson from the State House previously informed Gossipa2z.com that the President’s official jet couldn’t be utilized for the US trip due to its limitations, having not been designed for transatlantic flights since its acquisition in the 1990s. The spokesperson cited logistical challenges, including the need for multiple refueling stops.

Kalonzo additionally raised objections to Ruto’s decision to dispatch police officers to Haiti, citing a prior court ruling by Justice Chacha Mwita that deemed such actions unlawful and unconstitutional. He emphasized the duty of the opposition, positioning themselves as the prospective government, to address such critical issues in the interest of the nation’s well-being and advocate for transparency.

Kalonzo Challenges Ruto: Lay Bare All Facts About Your US Trip