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Joho’s Epic Return Amid Raila’s Succession Saga

Joho’s Epic Return Amid Raila’s Succession Saga

Former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has emerged from a period of quiet to assert his influence as the dominant figure in the coastal region’s politics, reshaping its political dynamics.

Coast leaders, representing the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) and various other political parties, have recently given their backing to Mr. Joho’s presidential candidacy for the 2027 election.

Leaders from Taita-Taveta, Kilifi, Mombasa, and Lamu counties have come together in support of the former governor, advocating for the Coastal region to have its chance to produce a president.

As Azimio leader Raila Odinga’s transition to succeed as the ODM chief and political leader of the Luo community accelerates, he is also aiming for the chairmanship of the African Union Commission (AUC), intensifying his influence in his home region.

On Saturday, support for National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi surged as several ODM MPs expressed their belief that while Mr. Odinga continues to hold sway as the unquestioned leader of the community, Wandayi would be the most suitable candidate to lead both the community and the ODM party in Odinga’s absence from the local political arena.

However, Mr. Joho is resolute in his ambition to rise to the leadership of the party and ultimately attain the presidency.

The competition for leadership within the ODM party has heated up as Mr. Joho and former Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya, both holding deputy party leader positions, engage in a fierce succession struggle.

Last Thursday, Mr. Joho distributed food supplies to Muslims in Voi and Mwatate, followed by Kilifi and Lamu counties, via his Hassan Joho Foundation, to assist during the sacred month of Ramadan.

The action is perceived as a strategic maneuver to prepare himself for the upcoming presidential campaign.

Mr. Joho’s recent public appearances and remarks, particularly following Mr. Odinga’s announcement of his candidacy for the AUC position, have caused a stir in the political realm.

He has expressed the importance of having a strong challenger to overthrow President William Ruto.

“To remove him (Dr Ruto) and his government from power needs a courageous person. I urge the residents of this region to be courageous,” he said during his political meetings in various towns, including Voi and Malindi.

In Mr. Odinga’s home region of Nyanza, certain ODM Members of Parliament emphasized on Saturday that a leader from the area should step into the national role during Mr. Odinga’s absence.

“There’s nobody who can fill Raila Odinga’s shoes and that’s the truth. I have even looked at our leaders in Azimio and they are not capable of fitting into his shoes… but most importantly, if Raila is exiting, we must have our own leading ODM,” Alego Usonga MP Sam Atandi said.


He proceeded to support Mr. Wandayi, encouraging him to stay dedicated and unwavering.

Kisumu Central Member of Parliament Joshua Oron also supported Mr. Wandayi, who holds the position of ODM Director of Political Affairs.

“… whoever is saying that Raila is exiting but has not left us anybody to lead us, hasn’t he left us with Wandayi? Is Wandayi present or not?” he posed.

Jared Okello from Nyando also expressed his opinion, stating that Mr. Wandayi is capable of leading ODM.

“I have heard some people clamoring for ODM leadership and I don’t hear a Luo name, yet we have Opiyo Wandayi and I’m also here; we must come out and support one of our own,” Mr Okello said.

The officials addressed the audience at the funeral of Tobias Lusi Oyoo, the brother of Muhoroni MP Onyango K’Oyoo, held in Wang’aya, within the Muhoroni constituency, last Saturday.

On the coast, Mr. Joho stated that it’s now time for those he has supported for a considerable period to show their appreciation and support in return.

“We cannot be following others forever,” he said.

On Thursday, he was joined by Members of Parliament Rashid Bedzimba representing Kisauni, Abdi Chome representing Voi, Peter Shake representing Mwatate, alongside Mombasa Woman Representative Zamzam Mohammed, and several Mombasa County MCAs under the leadership of their Speaker, Aharub Khatri.

Ms. Mohammed expressed that it is now appropriate for Mr. Odinga to pass on the party leadership to Mr. Joho.

“He (Joho) has stood with our party leader and ODM party for many years. We want to tell our party leader that a child who has supported you is the one who deserves to inherit you first,” she said.

Mr Chome added: “We have to stand up and be counted, it is time we get a national leader and Joho is the right person because he is fit.”

Mr Bedzimba urged the region to be united.

“We must have someone who will fight for our interests at the national level. He (Joho) has been at the forefront in fighting for our issues,” he said.

Joho’s Epic Return Amid Raila’s Succession Saga