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HomeNewsInternational Anti-Corruption Crusader Gretta Fenner's Tragic Demise in Kenya

International Anti-Corruption Crusader Gretta Fenner’s Tragic Demise in Kenya

International Anti-Corruption Crusader Gretta Fenner’s Tragic Demise in Kenya

Gretta Fenner, the Managing Director of the Basel Institute of Management located in Switzerland, has tragically passed away following an accident in Kenya.

Fenner, a prominent advocate against corruption, tragically perished in one of the country’s gruesome accidents last Sunday.

The Institute, in acknowledging the tragic accident, characterized the deceased as a remarkable catalyst for change in the battle against corruption.

She received praise for her role in both establishing and guiding the institute for more than ten years.

“We and our partners and counterparts around the world, will miss her greatly. Her family and friends are in our thoughts as we come to terms with this news,” read part of a statement from the institution.

The institute refrained from delving into the specifics of the accident out of respect for the family’s wish for privacy during this difficult period.

The sudden passing of the woman deeply surprised her coworkers and fellow advocates in the anti-corruption movement. They have expressed their sympathies to her family, with numerous individuals seeking a means to honor her memory.

The UNCAC coalition expressed its condolences and sorrow over Fenner’s tragic passing in a formal announcement, extending heartfelt sympathy to their loved ones.


“Gretta was an extraordinary leader, a powerful force driving impact and change, and a pillar of the anti-corruption community,” read a statement from the coalition.

The Basel Institute on Governance, when addressing questions regarding commemorating Fenner’s passing, has asked for tribute messages. These messages will be compiled into a private printed book to be shared with the deceased’s family and collaborators.

Furthermore, a portion of the tributes will also be showcased on a publicly accessible tribute webpage currently in the works.

Fenner is just one of the many casualties of road accidents since the start of the year. These incidents have claimed lives and caused serious injuries to countless others.

From January to April, the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) recorded 1,214 deaths, marking a 5 percent rise compared to the corresponding period in 2023, as per NTSA statistics.

After the incidents, the Ministry of Transportation introduced fresh regulations, fines, and sanctions for individuals who violate traffic regulations and put the safety of fellow drivers, pedestrians, and passengers at risk.

The ministry has also instructed NTSA officers to return to duty on the roads, collaborating with traffic officers to ensure orderliness and safety on the highways.

International Anti-Corruption Crusader Gretta Fenner’s Tragic Demise in Kenya