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HomeNewsIncreased Security in Nairobi CBD Ahead of Anti-Finance Bill Protests

Increased Security in Nairobi CBD Ahead of Anti-Finance Bill Protests

Increased Security in Nairobi CBD Ahead of Anti-Finance Bill Protests

Security has been heightened in Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD) in anticipation of the Anti-Finance Bill protests.

During a spot check of the CBD, Gossipa2z.com noted the presence of additional police officers.

These officers have been strategically positioned across key streets in the CBD, including Parliament Road, with others patrolling in vehicles and trucks.

For example, some police vehicles were stationed under the Nairobi Expressway, monitoring the flow of people in and out of the CBD along Uhuru Highway and Mombasa Road.

Most officers were equipped with batons, shields, and helmets.

Journalists on the scene reported a tense atmosphere, with some shops remaining closed in the morning.

Residents expressed frustration as police swiftly dispersed crowds and prevented people from gathering.

Similarly, a significant police presence was noted at State House Nairobi, with armored vehicles spotted by a Citizen TV crew during their patrol.


Opposition leaders criticized the government for the heavy police presence, claiming it was meant to intimidate the public.

Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna suggested that some officers were brought in from other regions, noting that some did not recognize him and tried to block his access to his office.

“The police officers deployed in Nairobi today are not locals. Ruto has brought in his allies to take charge of the formations around parliament,” stated Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna.

“I know this because the officer in charge outside the Supreme Court just tried to prevent me from accessing my office at KICC. Such cowards!”

The deployment was anticipated due to the expected escalation of protests in the CBD later in the day.

As of publication, protesters had already started gathering near the Nairobi Archives, chanting slogans against the Finance Bill.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki approved the protests on Monday, setting guidelines including specific timelines for the event.

Increased Security in Nairobi CBD Ahead of Anti-Finance Bill Protests