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IEBC Dismisses ‘Ghost Polling Stations’ Allegations Amid Social Media Uproar

IEBC Dismisses ‘Ghost Polling Stations’ Allegations Amid Social Media Uproar

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) addressed concerns circulating on social media suggesting the presence of fictitious polling stations during the 2022 elections, which purportedly influenced President William Ruto’s victory.

In a statement released on May 11, the commission refuted these claims, dismissing them as misleading and inaccurate.


IEBC clarified that the process of identifying polling stations is a transparent undertaking involving various stakeholders, including members of the public and political parties.

In its statement, IEBC acknowledged the proliferation of misleading and erroneous information on social media regarding the alleged utilization of ‘non-existent polling stations’ in the 2022 General Election.

The commission provided a link to a comprehensive list of all polling stations nationwide and refuted the accusations regarding Kaptiony Girls High School being a phantom polling center.

The allegations arose following an investigative report by a prominent newspaper, uncovering purported ghost schools within the country.

These ghost schools were purportedly designated as polling stations

Highlighted among the ghost schools were Kaptiony Girls High School, Kasaka Mixed Secondary School, Kampi Ya Nyasi Secondary School, and Kasaka Primary School.

Curiously, these institutions only exist on paper, with little evidence on the ground aside from signage and overgrown vegetation.

Some internet users swiftly claimed that these ghost schools were included as polling stations, where candidates allegedly garnered votes.

Some individuals escalated their spread of misinformation by circulating manipulated images on various social media platforms.

One of the images that gained traction depicted Kaptiony Girls High School purportedly designated as a polling station.

Upon investigation by a news desk, it was determined that the image had been altered, as only Kaptiony Primary School in Baringo North was officially designated as a polling station.

Raila-Ruto contest in 2022 presidential election, IEBC fallout & Supreme Court ruling

In the 2022 presidential race, President William Ruto and Raila Odinga competed fiercely for victory.

The Supreme Court of Kenya confirmed Ruto’s election victory, affirming the results declared by the IEBC.

The announcement of results was fraught with drama, as the former IEBC vice chairperson and some members of the commission disputed the results announced by the commission’s chairperson, Wafula Chebukati.

IEBC Dismisses ‘Ghost Polling Stations’ Allegations Amid Social Media Uproar