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HomeNewsGachagua Regrets Uhuru Leaving Burial Before His Arrival

Gachagua Regrets Uhuru Leaving Burial Before His Arrival

Gachagua Regrets Uhuru Leaving Burial Before His Arrival

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has continued to extend a warm hand toward retired president Uhuru Kenyatta in his efforts to reunite the divided Mt Kenya region.

Speaking during the burial ceremony of the former police boss King’ori Mwangi in Nyeri, Gachagua advocated for diplomacy and dialogue and was open to resolving their indifference which emanated from the heated 2022 General Election.

Uhuru, who also attended the funeral, left nearly an hour before Gachagua arrived, raising questions on whether he was tactically avoiding meeting his former personal assistant turned foe.

“I was looking forward to meeting my friend and former boss President Uhuru Kenyatta. I wanted to come and greet him because I had not seen him for a while and tell him it was well. He is our son, we had some little disagreements but it’s over,” Gachagua stated.

Gachagua assured that he respected the fact that Uhuru had other engagements in his itinerary and was poised to attend them as Mwangi’s burial He also commended Kenya’s fourth president for his generosity towards society in different capacities.

“He served as our fourth President. We had differences with him, but those differences are now in the past. He has retired, returned home, and kept a low profile, and we respect his decision,” Gachagua added.

The Deputy President further cautioned his allies against disrespecting and tainting Uhuru’s name, requesting that he be accorded the respect he deserves.

“If I had met him I would have told him how much we appreciate his work in retirement. We love and pray for him, he is our brother,” Gachagua stated.

At the heart of the disagreement between Gachagua and Uhuru is the latter’s decision to front former Prime Minister Raila Odinga as his favorite candidate during the 2022 General Election. Gachagua, on the other end, accused Uhuru of a witchhunt through various security apparatus which charged him with graft before the elections.


Gachagua escalated their wrangle by accusing Uhuru of embezzling taxpayers’ funds, excessive borrowing of loans, and leaving empty coffers that forced President Ruto to increase taxes to raise revenue.

At the same funeral, Uhuru deviated from politics and focused on praising Mwangi as a selfless police officer who was dedicated to serving the nation.

He further explained that he was in a rush to attend the memorial service of the late Lucy Wanjiru, wife to former Kipipiri Member of Parliament Hon. Amos Muhinga Kimunya. Kimunya, who served as National Assembly Majority Leader under Uhuru, lost his wife in late January while undergoing medical treatment.

“I must leave early because I must attend another burial I can’t miss. We have to go stand with them like we have stood with the family of King’ori Mwangi,” Uhuru noted.

Before his departure, he promised a full scholarship to the late King’ori’s son, who is currently schooling at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Kenya (JKUAT), further donating Ksh1 million towards a foundation supporting needy students, run by the deceased.

“I have also indicated to my daughter (King’ori’s daughter) here that even his brother who is still at JKUAT and has not finished will be schooled by me. I will stand with him until he finishes school,” Uhuru promised.

The retired Senior Assistant Inspector General of Police Zachary Mwangi King’ori died on Sunday, February 11 in a hospital in Nairobi where he had been admitted.

Gachagua Regrets Uhuru Leaving Burial Before His Arrival