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Gachagua Blasts Ruto’s Aides: “They Can’t Order Me!”

Gachagua Blasts Ruto’s Aides: “They Can’t Order Me!”

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has fiercely criticized some leaders linked to his boss, President William Ruto, for trying to undermine his position.

During an empowerment program in Kirinyaga County on Saturday, a visibly upset Gachagua directly attacked certain Cabinet Secretaries, Ruto’s Personal Assistants, and his friends, accusing them of causing friction between him and the president.

Gachagua questioned how a personal assistant, Cabinet Secretary, or blogger could believe they had more authority than a deputy president elected by millions of Kenyans.

He condemned these allies of the president for their perceived arrogance, emphasizing that only the president and the Kenyan people have the right to direct his actions.

“Even some of the president’s friends and PAs try to dictate how I should do my job. Is that possible? Even the president’s bloggers want to instruct me… I have only two bosses, President Ruto and the people of Kenya,” Gachagua stated.

“What the president instructs, I have done and will continue to do, respecting and being loyal to him. But I won’t allow his friends to think they are also my bosses. They are not. I am elected by the people of Kenya. I can distinguish between my boss and his friends.”

The deputy president criticized Ruto’s friends for getting overly involved in leadership matters just because they are close to the president, urging them to recognize their place.


Gachagua accused these allies of causing the perceived discord between him and the president, mentioning a WhatsApp group named ‘Project 22’ where they allegedly incited other leaders against him.

“The issue you’re seeing now is that some friends of the president want to be my boss too. Is that possible?” Gachagua asked.

“They are trying to turn other leaders against me through a group called Project 22, portraying me as a bad person.”

Gachagua recalled the period before the 2022 Presidential Elections, noting that the same critics opposed him when Ruto selected him as his running mate, and now they want him replaced.

“When Ruto was choosing a running mate, many options were available. A small group said that if he picked me, he would fail,” the deputy president recounted.

“They tried to persuade him otherwise, but he, being an experienced politician, decided that I was the right choice.”

Gachagua reiterated his commitment to the unity of Mt Kenya, refusing to back down from his beliefs.

He dismissed accusations of promoting tribal politics, asserting that unity in the mountain region would ensure more national resources for the area.

“We elected Ruto knowing he is not a Kikuyu. We don’t want to be labeled as tribal. We are patriots because we elected Ruto,” he concluded.

Gachagua Blasts Ruto’s Aides: “They Can’t Order Me!”