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HomeNewsGachagua Ally Calls for Nakhumicha's Ouster Amid Rising Storm

Gachagua Ally Calls for Nakhumicha’s Ouster Amid Rising Storm

Gachagua Ally Calls for Nakhumicha’s Ouster Amid Rising Storm

A brewing storm is on the horizon as certain individuals within the Kenya Kwanza Coalition are calling for the dismissal of Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha.

Addressing attendees at the Kieni Technical Training Centre’s graduation ceremony on Saturday, local MP Njoroge Wainana urged President William Ruto to remove Nakhumicha from her position, pointing to widespread public sentiment that she has not effectively fulfilled her responsibilities.

Njoroge Wainana urged Ruto to appoint a more suitable candidate to take over the role of the Cabinet Secretary.

“When I listen to the Kenyan people they are stating that Nakhumicha is a Minister but not good for the Ministry of Health, we are however not challenging the appointing authority,” stated Njoroge Wainana.

Additionally, the Member of Parliament asked the President to transfer Nakhumicha to a different ministry, suggesting that she could be more suitable for another role.


He further supported his point by suggesting that the Health CS might lack the capability to navigate the country through a health emergency such as COVID-19, should one arise.

“For that reason I am appealing to the appointing authority, to bring a serious person into the ministry, that is my take,” emphasized Njuguna Wainana.

The political position of the Member of Parliament (MP) follows the submission of an impeachment motion by Babu Owino, the Embakasi MP, on April 3 in Parliament, aiming to oust the Cabinet Secretary from her role.

However, the proposal has not yet been discussed in parliament to determine the future of the Chief Secretary’s position.

In further challenges to the civil service, ex-Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya addressed Nakhumicha during a funeral ceremony on March 30, suggesting that she ought to have been present in the office addressing the issue at hand.

Nevertheless, the CS has remained steadfast, affirming her decision not to step down from the role.

Nakhumicha has stated that the increased attention on her is due to her political adversaries, whom she alleges are influential groups within the Ministry of Health.

Gachagua Ally Calls for Nakhumicha’s Ouster Amid Rising Storm