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Former Riruta MCA, 2 Others Convicted: Wife Murder Case Ends in Guilty Verdict

Former Riruta MCA, 2 Others Convicted: Wife Murder Case Ends in Guilty Verdict

Former Riruta MCA Samuel Ndung’u, alongside two accomplices, has been convicted for the murder of Lucy Njambi, who was his estranged wife back in 2018.

In a ruling delivered by Justice Joel Ngugi on Friday, April 5, it was determined that the evidence presented during the trial at the Kiambu High Court convincingly linked the trio to the crime.

According to the findings, Ndung’u allegedly orchestrated the abduction of Njambi from her residence in Thindigua, where she was then subjected to horrendous acts of torture leading to her demise.

Tragically, Njambi was sexually assaulted and forcibly administered with potent sulphuric acid, inflicting severe harm upon her.


After enduring these barbaric acts, Njambi was drenched in acid and abandoned in a coffee plantation, where she was discovered by a passerby who promptly transported her to Kiambu Level 5 Hospital for emergency medical attention.

Despite efforts to save her life, Njambi succumbed to her injuries while undergoing specialized treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital.

The court’s ruling signifies a grave condemnation of the heinous crime committed against Njambi, highlighting the calculated brutality inflicted upon her by individuals she once shared a connection.

The verdict serves as a testament to the pursuit of justice for Njambi and a reminder of the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions, particularly in cases of such egregious violence against women.

.Former Riruta MCA, 2 Others Convicted: Wife Murder Case Ends in Guilty Verdict