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Exposing the Rift: Alleged Players in the Dispute Between President Ruto and Deputy Gachagua Revealed(Video)

Exposing the Rift: Alleged Players in the Dispute Between President Ruto and Deputy Gachagua Revealed

Former Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri has come forward to reveal the individuals orchestrating a potential rift between President William Ruto and his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua.

In a media briefing, Kimani Ngunjiri alleged that certain individuals are attempting to undermine Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua within the UDA party through incitement and false narratives.

Ngunjiri identified former MP Oscar Sudi, Ruto’s aide Farouk Kibet, and Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen as the key figures behind the growing tension between President Ruto and Rigathi Gachagua.

He claimed that since these three have amassed significant wealth since coming to power, they possess the resources to challenge anyone, with Farouk Kibet purportedly leading this effort.

This revelation follows reports of tension within the ruling party, highlighted by the Deputy President’s absence from official state events for a week, allegedly due to President Ruto’s directives against certain politicians, including the DP.


Ngunjiri stated that the issues began when the Deputy President extended a conciliatory gesture to former president Uhuru Kenyatta in an attempt to unify the divided Mt. Kenya region.

Recently, Anne Waiguru, a close ally of President Ruto who accompanied him on a trip to the US, released a statement criticizing Rigathi Gachagua for what she described as the personalization of public office.

She emphasized the importance of respecting leadership roles without turning them into personal domains, allowing others to aspire to these positions within a progressive democracy.

Responding to Waiguru’s statement, Gachagua’s ally and Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba criticized the Kirinyaga Governor, urging her to focus on addressing local issues instead of engaging in political commentary.

Wamuchomba called on Governor Waiguru to stop lecturing about regional politics and instead tackle the economic challenges, business closures, alcoholism, and neglected projects facing the Mt. Kenya region under the Kenya Kwanza regime.

Exposing the Rift: Alleged Players in the Dispute Between President Ruto and Deputy Gachagua Revealed