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DP Gachagua Slams Nyeri, Murang’a Senators Over Interference With National Politics

DP Gachagua Slams Nyeri, Murang’a Senators Over Interference With National Politics

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has slammed the Nyeri and Murang’a Senators over their recent remarks on 2027 successive politics

Gachagua who spoke on Thursday in Meru County warned the two lawmakers to keep off politicking on matters of Mount Kenya’s kingship brawl involving him and Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, and instead focus on their county oversight role.

He trashed their talks labeling them mere ‘limelight excitement’ saying they should desist from speaking about matters they don’t understand.

According to the DP, only he and his boss President William Ruto should speak on issues revolving around the national government and not legislators elected in the Kenya Kwanza flag.

“Those who were elected on UDA and Kenya Kwanza, we agreed to focus on development and to be cautious of their pronouncements because some of them go to media they get excited, are lost, and start talking meaningless things,” he said.

“I heard our Nyeri Senator today akiongea matope kwa TV, anakua excited. The work of a senator is oversight of counties. Mambo ya national governemnt and plans mwenye kujua ni Rais na mimi na huyo senator alifaa kuniuliza mipango ya Nyeri.”

Gachagua consequently tasked Senate Deputy Speaker Kathuri Murungi to caution the two lawmakers on the same issue.

“We want senators to be careful because we have also seen the Murang’a senator akiongea matope. Kathuri Murungi, call the Murang’a and Nyeri senators and have a sitting with them; tell them they are out of order. Wawache mambo ambayo haiwahusu,” he said.

Nyeri Senator Wahome Wamatinga and his Murang’a counterpart Joe Nyutu have been vouching for Nyoro to succeed Gachagua as the second in command, arguing that the DP has lost grip in the vote-rich Mt Kenya region.

Nyutu in a past interview with Citizen TV opined that Nyoro has gained more popularity in the region and will be the most appropriate running mate behind Ruto in the next national polls.


“We love the president and because we don’t want him to encounter any problem in the mountain then I think the best [thing] would be to come with the most popular running mate,” Nyutu argued.

“I think he (Nyoro) could be more popular, we are on the ground we listen to people, we hear what people think about each one of us. Ndindi has shown some very good social skills, a very good relationship with people, and generally he has favor.”

Wamatinga later in a similar interview echoed Nyutu’s sentiments and appeared to regret President Ruto’s choice of the deputy president.

“We need to go back to the drawing board and ask ourselves serious questions about our political future. We may not complain about the appointment of our people in government but we must probe the strength of these appointments,” Wamatinga said as quoted by the Standard.

President Ruto on Tuesday weighed on the Mt Kenya kingship drama urging the elected leaders to focus their attention on delivering on their campaign promises.

“Let me ask all leaders that we focus our attention on the delivery of the assignment that was given to us by the people of Kenya,” he said.

“Especially leaders in Kenya Kwanza and UDA, I want to ask them to step down any contestations for whatever positions – present or future – so that we can work.”

DP Gachagua Slams Nyeri, Murang’a Senators Over Interference With National Politics