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HomeNewsDCI Summons Samburu Governor and Confiscates His Phone for 1 Month

DCI Summons Samburu Governor and Confiscates His Phone for 1 Month

DCI Summons Samburu Governor and Confiscates His Phone for 1 Month

Samburu Governor Jonathan Lati Lelelit has received a summons from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) regarding the heightened insecurity in the area.

The head of the county, when facing regional DCI officers, strongly criticized detectives for calling him in for the second time in a month, characterizing the investigative procedure as ‘pointless.’

Lelelit, addressing reporters, raised concerns about the detectives retaining his phone for an entire month. He argued that a week should have sufficed for the essential investigations, questioning the prolonged duration.

 “People are being killed daily. It is unfortunate that instead of attending to such pressing matters, we are being summoned to come here when we should be collaborating with security agencies,” the Governor charged.

“2 days ago a former police officer was killed, and days ago, an MCA was killed. Almost daily, we have somebody killed and we are here wasting our time instead of mourning our people. This is a circus,” he further stated.

The Governor has been called upon to respond to inquiries in light of the recent surge in bandit assaults in the area.

In February, Lelelit was one of seven senior leaders from the area called in by the DCI following a series of banditry incidents.

The circumstances led some leaders in the area to urge Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki to implement stricter measures in addressing the crisis.


During that period, Lelelit mentioned that adopting a more strategic and measured approach by the government could help manage the situation effectively.

“I am calling on CS Kindiki to accompany me to Samburu to assess the situation. This is a matter that can be resolved. Then one day we will look back and say we handled the matter the right way,” Lelelit stated.

This occurs amidst the government’s ongoing operation in six counties to address the persistent incidents of banditry attacks.

Baringo, Samburu, West Pokot, Isiolo, and Turkana have been identified as focal points in the current operation.

After the commencement of the operation, various high-ranking officials such as Turkana Governor Jeremiah Ekamais Lomorukai and Turkana Senator James Lomenen have been called to appear at the DCI offices.

MPs; John Namoit (Turkana South), Samwel Mworoto (Kapenguria), Titus Lote (Kacheliba), and David Pkosing (Pokot South) have also been summoned for the same reasons.

DCI Summons Samburu Governor and Confiscates His Phone for 1 Month