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HomeNewsDCI Arrests Kawira Mwangaza's Son & Brother Over Blogger Sniper's Murder

DCI Arrests Kawira Mwangaza’s Son & Brother Over Blogger Sniper’s Murder

DCI Arrests Kawira Mwangaza’s Son & Brother Over Blogger Sniper’s Murder

Investigators from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) have apprehended the son and brother of Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza in connection with the killing of Meru blogger Daniel Muthiani, also known as Sniper.

According to records obtained by PoliticalPulseChat, DCI has sought the detention of five individuals—Kenneth Mutua, Fredrick Muriuki, Franklin Kimathi, Timothy Kinoti (son), and Murangiri Kenneth (brother)—for 21 days to provide detectives with sufficient time to carry out comprehensive investigations.

The application was submitted to the Kiambu Magistrates Court shortly after the case had been moved from Meru to the Nairobi Metropolis.

As per the head investigator from the DCI, the individuals under accusation reached out to the Meru blogger, stating their intention to meet Mwangaza to reconcile and seek a resolution.

Sniper, a well-known opponent of Mwangaza’s leadership, accepted the invitation, aiming for a collaborative effort between them.

A Photo of The Deceased Meru Blogger Daniel Muthiani Bernard (Sniper)

The DCI officer stated that Sniper journeyed from his residence in Igembe South sub-county to Meru town, where he met the defendants before disappearing.

“The deceased’s wife tried to contact him in vain prompting her to report the matter at Maua Police Station,” read part of the court document.


Per the records, the body of the blogger was discovered near Mutonga River several days after the incident, and initial inquiries connected the accused individuals to his killing.

“The investigating team has vital information that more other people who were involved in the commission of the offense are yet to be arrested,” the DCI officer stated. 

“The respondents (accused) have to undergo formal police procedures which include but are not limited to recording statements, interrogation, and subjecting them to mental assessment among other actions.”

Addressing the media on Friday, Nchamba Mbithi, the Chief of Staff for Kawira Mwangaza, verified that the police had apprehended the bodyguard on Thursday night.

He criticized the regular apprehensions of Mwangaza’s employees, stating that they were experiencing fear due to this issue.

“I am here and we’ve seen all this propaganda on social media of my arrest. I state that if I’m needed to record a statement at the police station, I will do so willingly,” he stated. 

DCI Arrests Kawira Mwangaza’s Son & Brother Over Blogger Sniper’s Murder