Daadab MP Farah Maalim Reveals How Ruto Draws Inspiration From Donald Trump

HomeNewsDaadab MP Farah Maalim Reveals How Ruto Draws Inspiration From Donald Trump

Daadab MP Farah Maalim Reveals How Ruto Draws Inspiration From Donald Trump

On Thursday, February 1, Dadaab Member of Parliament Farah Maalim commented that President William Ruto took cues from former United States President Donald Trump in shaping his approach to making executive decisions.

The legislator from the Wiper Party, who has now expressed allegiance to Kenya Kwanza, was justifying Ruto’s decision to disregard court orders preventing the deployment of police to Haiti.

Maalim likened the situation to Trump, who faced strong resistance but still constructed a barrier along the US-Mexico border.

“In this case (the barrier) 455 miles were built and when President Joe Biden came into office it was stopped and reversed,” Maalim stated during Citizen TV’s Daybreak Show. 

He commented that Trump had the authority to utilize executive power, and he anticipated that Ruto would employ similar strategies in leading the nation.

The Member of Parliament additionally commented that Ruto wasn’t required to seek Parliament’s approval whenever he had to make a decision that pertained to the national interest.


“The Executive has a right to do what it must without necessarily referring back to Parliament,” he explained.

“In any democracy, you seek later on funding from Parliament. Parliament has the right to reject that.”

Maalim cautioned lawmakers aligned with Azimio that failure to show proper respect to the President could compel Ruto to bypass the parliamentary process when making significant decisions.

The politician affiliated with Kenya Kwanza stated that if Ruto believed the Judiciary was undermining his vision for the nation, he would also exceed the Judiciary.

“Ruto will say, fine the courts are wrong and decide we are going to reconstitute the entire judiciary system,” he explained.

The High Court of Nairobi ruled on January 26 that the dispatch of 1,000 police officers to Haiti was deemed unlawful.

Judge Chacha Mwita at the High Court declared that the authority to deploy police officers beyond the borders of Kenya does not fall within the jurisdiction of the National Security Council, which is presided over by President William Ruto.

Daadab MP Farah Maalim Reveals How Ruto Draws Inspiration From Donald Trump