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HomeNewsCS Eliud Owalo Offers KCPE Student Full Scholarship After Poster Goes Viral

CS Eliud Owalo Offers KCPE Student Full Scholarship After Poster Goes Viral

CS Eliud Owalo Offers KCPE Student Full Scholarship After Poster Goes Viral

Eliud Owalo, the Cabinet Secretary for ICT, has granted a four-year scholarship to a 2023 KCPE student who was stranded and seeking financial assistance, following the student’s viral plea for help on social media.

Owalo, accompanied by student David Odhiambo and his parents, went to Maseno School on Wednesday and settled the Form One fee of Ksh98,625.

The money will cover Odhiambo’s tuition, boarding, and uniform charges.

Owalo expressed his emotional response to Odhiambo’s story, as Odhiambo scored 399 marks in the 2022 KCPE exams and turned to social media to request support from kind-hearted individuals to fund his education.

CS Eliud Owalo handing over a banker cheque to the Maseno School principal on January 3, 2023.

In the widely circulated Facebook post during the celebrations, the student mentioned that due to financial difficulties within their family, they would regretfully miss out on the chance to attend the National School for their studies.

As per Odhiambo, the father works as an occasional laborer, whereas the mother doesn’t have employment.

“In our view, education is a catalyst for transformative change, both at the personal and societal levels. Within the Eliud Owalo Foundation, we believe in its unparalleled power to shape a better future.


“Education stands as the great equalizer, breaking down barriers and leveling the playing field, regardless of one’s age, circumstances, or socio-economic status,” the CS stated.

Alternatively, the KCPE student was given Ksh6,000 as spending money for the entire year.

“In addition, the Foundation provided seed capital of Ksh50,000 for Muga’s mother to start a business that will augment the family’s finances,” Owalo stated.

The student who scored 399 marks expressed gratitude to the CS for stepping in and ensuring they were taken to school before the January 15 deadline for Form One reporting.

He also mentioned his intention to make the most of the given chance, highlighting his ambition to pursue a career as a neurosurgeon someday.

CS Eliud Owalo together with David Odhiambo at the Maseno School grounds on December 3, 2024.

CS Eliud Owalo Offers KCPE Student Full Scholarship After Poster Goes Viral